Transaction Categories

Modified on Tue, 21 Jul 2015 08:18 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: General Ledger, System Manager

General Information

Default Menu Location: Maintain >> General Ledger >> Transaction Categories

Screen Name: CUSTCAT

Function: Transaction Categories are used to determine where revenue and costs are coded in the general ledger according the customer and item transaction categories.

Click here for transaction categories screen.

Customer Transaction Codes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Customer Transaction Codes from the drop-down menu.

Item Transaction Codes are maintained in the Rule Maintenance screen by selecting Item Transaction Codes from the drop-down menu.

Transaction Category Setup

To set up a new transaction category, select the customer and item categories from the drop-down menus and click Load.

Enter the GL account numbers for revenue and COGS.

The account number structure must match your GL Mask.

The frozen digits section allows you to prevent overrides that would be made by a GL Group.