Organization Attributes - Resource

Modified on Tue, 31 May 2016 10:43 by tpaeglis — Categorized as: Address Book, Attributes

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General Description

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization

Screen Name Resource

Organization screen is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar.

Function Resource screen is an attribute jump screen from the Organization Screen; a resource is defined as a person, organization, or an asset that is used to conduct business and/or generate revenue.

Resource Attribute

Resource Attribute


Schedule Tab: Determines which tab the resource goes under in the Scheduling Screen

Resource Name: Name of the resource

RID: Resource's ID

Supervisor: Supervisor for this resource, if any.

Email: Resource email address

WO Form: If there is a default work order form for this resource, enter it here

Department: Department resource belongs to

Def Equip: Default equipment

Default BillCode: The resource's default billcode for assigning a task

Acct EMPID: Resource's ID in your Payroll Software Package

Default WHSE: The default warehouse for this resource

Active: Resource is currently active in the company

Xfer: To transfer this resource's schedule to their Microsoft Outlook Calendar

Attributes: The attributes for this resource (Resource attributes fall into two separate categories: Skills and Zones)