Print 1099s

Modified on Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:26 by Freddy Donovan — Categorized as: Accounts Payable

General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Print 1099s

Screen Name: PRINTAP1099

Function: Recalculates prior & current year 1099 amounts according to Accounts Payable data and prints 1099 data onto approved IRS 1099 forms.

General Procedures

Print Tab


Start/End Vendno - Use these filters to print a 1099 for one vendor or for a range of vendors.

Minimum Amount - Enter the current federal minimum amount to only report/print for vendors with a year-to-date 1099 amount greater than or equal to the amount entered. Leaving the filter blank allows you to generate a preliminary list of all 1099 vendors, regardless of the federal minimum.

The federal minimum amount has been $600 for several years, but is subject to change. Review federal guidelines for the 1099 year and enter the current amount.

1099 Type - Select the Type of 1099/1096 form you wish to produce. The 1099 Types are defined in the 1099 Types Rule Maintenance record.

Please note that the forms for each 1099 type can be different, depending on the settings in the Rule Maintenance record.

Last Year/This Year - Select the desired 1099 reporting year. Last Year is generally appropriate when creating 1099s in January.

List Report - Check this box to view a report of 1099 Vendors that meet the minimum 1099 amount for the selected year.

1096 Report - Check this box to generate the 1096 Summary form for the selected 1099 Type and year.

Final 1096 - When this box is checked by itself, the 1099 forms for the selected 1099 Type and year will be produced. When this box is checked along with the 1096 Report box, a 1096 Summary form will be produced with the 1096 Box 7 field checked to indicate that the 1096 includes 1099-MISC forms with non employee compensation.

Close/Recalculate Tab


You should recalculate 1099 amounts from this tab before producing final 1099 forms for government reporting. This function recalculates the final 1099 amounts based on AP Check transactions from the selected year.

Choose the corresponding year (according to a calendar year) and click the Recalc Amounts button to recalculate all 1099 amounts according to the

data entered in Accounts Payable.

The Close 1099 Year button moves the current year's amounts into the prior year and resets the current year.