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Cash Receipts Report

Modified on Thu, 07 Jan 2021 12:48 by Kamar Categorized as Accounts Receivable , Reporting and Report Sets

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General Description

Default Menu Location Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Cash Receipts Report


Function The Cash Receipts Report is used to show payments received into the company. The report has various filters that are used to report on specific customers, accounts, dates, or invoices.


Report Filters

Custno: The Company ID in the field

Company: The Company name (long name) to report on

Cash Account: The account which the cash was received into

Start Date: The start date for the report

End Date: The end date for the report

Invoice Number: The invoice number for the report

Group By: Select one of the options Customer, Date, GL Acct#, SalesPerson, ShipTo, TType, or Date(D) - Inv# for the report. User can also select "All" cash receipts, "AR" cash receipts, or "Non-AR" cash receipts.

Summary or Detail: Choose one of the options for the report type

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