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Page Revision: Tue, 03 Feb 2015 13:22

General Info

CID Setup Options determine how Adjutant operates. They are maintained in the Company ID (CID) Maintenance.

They may also be changed through Screen Setup Options.

Setup Options and Definitions

46BOMCHK - Require users to enter 1(yes) or 2(no) when asked if they want to continue to use raw material that is not on a Bill of Material. If setup option 46BOMCHK is set, and scanned coil is not on BOM, show confirm message with 3 = continue and anything else loops back to scan PWO line.

46SINGLE - Prompt users to enter footage used on scanner after each line is completed. If enabled, process each pwo scan thru process (assume + entered each time)

ACCTMGRBYORG - When enabled display account manager from parent company only. Otherwise, display all contacts with account manager attributes.

AcctMgrReqOnEnt -

ADDSUSPECT - If enabled, suspect screen is launched after save of new Org, adding suspect attribute to new Org. NOTE: Orgs created from other screens will not auto populate a suspect attribute.

ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed.

ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed.

ADJGL - Adjutant General Ledger module is installed.

ADJPR - Not in Use.

AGEBYDUE - If set, agings are by due date, with new current column.

ALLOWOVERLAP - Disables the schedule conflict message received when assigning/scheduling a task that will overlap with an existing scheduled task.

ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary).

ALTPRINTBOX - Toggle between Getprinter and Printer Prompt type report form calls when enabled.

ALTPROBCODE - Allows the user to edit the description of the Standard Task used in the Task Entry Screen.

AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used.

AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file.

AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile.

AP20CHKNO - Create new check number and manual check number fields in apchkacct table (16 characters). Use as check number fields if AP20CHKNO setup option is enabled. Change screens to use 15 char numbers. Change PrintCheck Screen to use new fields if AP20CHKNO is enabled.

APAGEPOLIST - Add POs linked to AP Invoice to polist field in cursor. Only works in detail mode.


APCHECK48 - Allows 48 invoices on a check without printing an overflow stub. To use, APCHKOVERFLOW rule must be setup

  • Text1 = Overflow message (lc_overflowmessage)

  • Num1 = Number of checks on stub (48)

  • log1 = Enabled (checked)

  • log2 = Print details.

  • If checked, and stub has >48 invocies, first 48 will print on stub, if not checked, stub will not have any details, just message.


APDUPREFNO - If set check for duplicate ref# (checkno) on apnoncheck payment screen. Warn if duplicate found

APEDITCTRLACCT - Allows edit of Control account.


APPREMAILDEL - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to decline in approval screen.

APPREMAILOK - Controls sending of emails through the approval screen. Enable to be able to approve in approval screen.

APREMITACCT - Create setup option APREMITACCT to get Ctrl and Def accounts from RemitTO vendor instead of master vendor. Update and clear buttons changed to update remitto vendor if option set.


APTOEXP - Add Billable Check box to AP Dist tab, create EXP material lines for lines marked as billable, and linked to projects. Use APTOEXP CID setup option to enable Billable Checkbox.

APTOSO - When the "billable" box is checked and the line is saved, pop up a window that allows the user to add the amount as a line item to a service order or sales order.


ARAGINGDBEXP - Fields added to cursor in summary mode. Data is dumped to ADJ_DB_EXPORT.xls in Adj Root folder if ARAGINGDBEXP cid option is set.

ARCREDITDISC - Calculates available discounts on invoices when applying a credit in the Apply Credits screen.

ARFULLDISC - Shows the full discount offered in the Cash Receipt screen, regardless of what the paid amount is. Discount is calculated on balance if set, not paid amt.

ARNODEFPOST - Leaves the Post Mark Date blank (does not default to today when tabbed through).

ARSTATECR1ST - Alter the Customer Statement report to allow the Invoices to be sorted by the grouping with negative balances first and then positive balances. Will flag credits with sorter1 = 'x', this will move them up in the sort order.

ASAUTO - Will make AR Statement auto processing use ASAUTO- attributes.


ASKEDITNOTE - Allows the user to edit the Invoice Header note in the Approve/Edit Billing and Ship SO screens after creating the invoice.

AUTOAPPLYCC - Apply CC credits to matching invoices during superbatch processing. CC screen changed to save SO Keyno into CCLINK field. Function looks for CCLINKS matching the current invoice, and applies them if found.

AUTOBATCH - Allow Batch processing to be scheduled on autosch screen. Setup rule to control which processes are ran (Gen Batch, Print Inv, Post Batch). Change superbatch, printinv and postbatch to run without prompts when called from auto processing.

AUTOQUICKCART - Automatically creates a carton with settings from QUICKCARTON whenever a shipping event is created. If AUTOQUICKCART is enabled, make default QuickCart when SE is saved.

BACKUPALL - Control backup of VouchList folder. BackupALL backup files on each refresh)

BACKUPONE - Control backup of VouchList folder. Backup files when screen is loaded,don't backup after each reload

BANKRECDUMP - To save keyno, type and amount of all checks, cashrec and adjs once a day when bankrec is loaded. This data can be used to find the source of the floating book and bank balance issues.

BANKRECNEWBOOK - Option to switch between old and new book and bank logic (BANKRECNEWBOOK), default is old logic.

BCCSELF - Blind Carbon Copies the user on all emails sent out of Adjutant.

BGAUTOJC - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Job Cost when an Invoicing batch is created.

BGAUTOSO - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Sales Orders when an Invoicing batch is created.

BGAUTOSVR - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Tasks (service orders) when an Invoicing batch is created.

BGREQPROJID - Requires a Project ID to be entered before any shipped sales orders that are linked to a project can be invoiced. Only one Project may be invoiced at a time.

BLANKESTDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set.

BLANKREQDATE - Set the matching date to blank if set.

BOLBYCARRIER - If enabled split up BOLs by shipto/carrier. If SE already has a linked FPO (pomast.sekyno), then fill out FPO PO number on new BOL.

BOLCHECKCOD - If enabled, and cod amount >0, then Cashier or Company Check must be selected to save.

BOLCONTPROJ - Change source of contact to Def Contact of Organization, or Default Contact of Project if BOLCONTPROJ is enabled.

BOLFROMSO - Loads all line item descriptions and line item weights into Bill of Lading detail.

BOLLOCKDATE - Prevents the Bill of Lading date from being edited once the BOL has been saved.

BOLSTKFROMSO - Loads stock line items from SO into BOL detail. Functionality is same as BOLFROMSO, but only loads stock items.

BOLTPONLY - Bill To address is only changed when "Third Party" Freight Terms are used. Without this option, "COLLECT", and "COD" are also included.

BOLWARNIFCLOSED - Add warning if Master SO is closed when BOL is created.

BOM5DEC - Changes the Input Mask on the qty fields to 99,999,999.99999, instead of based on Item DecQty fields.

CALCDRIVETIME - Automatically calculates driving distance from the Sales Order warehouse to the Ship To address per driving directions from Yahoo. Enabling this option will slow down order entry for new Ship To locations.

CALCSHIPSHIP - Allows the user to enter freight and packing charges during the Sales Order shipping process.


CASHSKIPREF - Allows you to leave the Reference field blank when apply cash receipts in the Apply Cash Receipts.


CCAPPROVE - Option to not block save of SO if using approvals.

CCBINSORT - If enabled handles bins special (left pads 99 blocks to two chars each to make number sorts work correctly.

CCNITEINV2 - Option to generate niteinv2 records after commits complete. Records made for each item/loctid committed.

CCNODISCOUNT - Correct issue with batch out of balance if fields not tabbed thru, and discount is used. If set, do not calc discount.


CCOUNTNEWCOST - If set and increasing count of item, get cost from:

  • 1) SI Tier if Serial/Lot, else OHF Avg, else ItemMaster.Avg

  • If no cost can be found, don't allow commit for that item (just show a wait box and go on, the problems will be in the list when done).

CCOUNTWHSECHNG - Without setup option, scanner will flag scans in otherwhse as invalid.

CFSHOWTOTAL - Option to show total band, default is off.

CHANGEDISCACCT - Enables pop-up window on AP Invoice and Cash Receipt screen to allow user to change default discount given/taken GL account.

CHECKCP - Change Quickbuy to handle AddToQB records that are not linked to SOTran.

CHECKORDERINC - For PO screen, and if enabled, force the OrdQty to be multiple of the the OHF orderinc value. Only check if OrderInc is <> 0, and if the PO qty is in stk units. If not a multiple, reset to nearest multiple and alert user.

CHECKOVERLAP - When enabled, issues an alert that the contract dates overlap with an existing contract, but still allows users to save.

CHECKQTYSO - Enable/disable check qty logic/nag box.

CHECKWORKCAL - Add check for working calendar working days at least 60 days out at login if CHECKWORKCAL CID option enabled. If no working days found, show messagebox.

CHKTSKPOLNK - Checks for Linked Purchase Orders on Tasks and warns the user to receive and close the purchase order before completing the task.

CHKZEROPRICE - Notifies user if item has $0 price and SO line is submitted to production.

CLEANWORKING - Automatically deletes old files out of Adjutant's "Working" folder once it is through with them. Some installations of Adjutant do not allow this (due to Windows security issues). The working folder can be manually cleaned from within Adjutant by going to the Cleanup Temp Files screen (Maintain >> System >> Cleanup Temp Files).

CLEARPOMSN - Clears the Project ID and Phase fields on the Purchase Order for each new line item.

COILDROPMCOIL - If set, the mill coil will be used as the name of the drop folder instead of the adj lot number.


COILLABELLOG - Add print button to display coil screen to print a one-off tag. Printed when COILLABELLOG CID option is set.

COILLABELX2 - If set, default the copies on CoilReceipt screen to 2.

COILPROCESSLIST - If set, listbox is used for processor field. List comes from Orgs with PROCESSOR attribute.

COILPROD - If set, coils must have color and gauge filled out in profile table. PWOs are grouped by GAUGE and COLOR.

COILPROFILE - Adds filters for Width, Color, Material, and Gauge.

COLORBUTTONSPOG - On Generate Purchase Order screen, if enabled, make the Skip button yellow, the Exit button red, and the Add to QB, Open PO, and Order buttons green.

COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding.

COMMNOPLAN - Coded that to check every time a record needs to be written if that person has a plan, if not do not write their record to the report.

COMMSELLPRICE - Commissions are based upon selling price; discounts from list are not factored.

CONFUSER - User ID defaults into the Confirm To field on the Purchase Order Header.


COPYDOCVAULT - If enabled, copy the RFQ doc vault files over to the SO docvault. Create new function to copy subfolders and files.

COPYRFQDOCVAULT - If enabled, ask to copy docvault files from copy source RFQ to new RFQ. Ask during save process.

COSTEQUIP - Cost Equipment on service orders (turns checkbox on in Batch Creator).


COSTHOUR - Cost Hourly Labor on service orders.

COSTLABOR - Cost Labor on service orders (turns checkbox on in Batch Creator).

COSTMATERIAL - Cost Material on service orders (turns checkbox on in Batch Creator).

COSTSALARY - Cost Salary Labor on service orders.


CREATEUNPO - Turns on the Create Unbilled PO Receipts option in the Batch Creator. This option should only be used if you are using a separate PO system in a 3rd Party accounting package.



DEFAULTLOT - Defaults the Lot flag to checked on new inventory items in the Item Master.

DEFTOPRINT - Defaults the Message Control screen to Print instead of Preview.

DEPTPROD - Add new logic to S2P to break up PWO by Guage/Color. Process logic by department based on log4 flag.


DOCLIMITCHECK - System will check the Credit Limit on Bill To screen when entering new task or sales order.

DOCLINK - Documents in document vault are stored as links (paths on workstation or network) instead of embedded into SQL database.

drcounty - Enables shipto to auto-assign to DRs based on county.

DUMPLIST - Will dump out list of files in folder to z9... text file.

DVOPENPDF - Will directly open PDF instead of previewing (same as double click)



Ecom-NOSOC -


EDITSTKDESC - Allows the user to edit the description of a stock item on a Sales Order.

EMAILERROR - Automatically emails error messages in Adjutant to tech support email address.

EMAILSELF - Sends an email to a small woodland elf. Not really, it emails back to running user, or if no running user.




ENTHIDEZONE - Makes the Zone field invisible on the Org screen when enabled.


EXPGLGROUP - Copy Exp Report Desc to AP Invocie Descrip. Add logic to use GL Groups from resource to change Exp accts if EXPGLGROUP setup option is enabled



EXPRPTPOSTDATE - If set, use last date of exp report as invoice/post date if within CID posting window. If outside window, use today.

FAXCOVER - Automatically send a Fax Cover Sheet when sending faxes from Adjutant (via a fax server or an internet fax system such as efax or greenfax).

FCBYPROJ - Change FC to generate by Custno/ProjID if FCBYPROJ setup option is enabled.


FILLBEAMSIZE - Added logic to MBSGRID to save the beam size to a configurable question named with beam size in description.

FINDITEMMATCH - Uses "find near" logic when searching for items in Item Master, Sales Order, Purchase Order.

FIRSTLAST - If enabled and in PEOPLE mode, make Company name Salutation + First + Last Name.



GENBATCHPOST - Asks user if they want to post new batches after generating batches.

GHOSTSCRIPT - If set, GS checkbox defaults to checked in Message Control.


GLMAS500 - MAS 500 GL is being used. This setup option will also create a Journal Entry import file that may be imported to MAS 500.


GLSHOWBOL - Will populate BOLNO and SONO fields with BOL# and SO# from BOL Generated Freight POs.

GRPSHIPBYCPO - Groups Invoices by Bill To + Cust PO.

GRPSHIPBYPROJ - Groups Invoices by Project ID.

GRPSHIPBYSHIPTO - Groups Invoices by Bill To + Ship To.

HIDECOLL - Add new security option to exclude collection notes from screen (type = "CL") NOTES,COLLECTION (old) NOTES (S1-NEW).

HIDECOMP - Hide Completed option on Schedule screen also hides the completed tasks for today.

HIDEVENDOR - Removes the Vendor Code/Name from the Inventory Labels.

HISTORY1YEAR - Controls fields on the SoldTo and BillTo screen to work off a rolling 12 month calendar rather than work off a 3 year history.

HOLDREC - Marks all PO Receipts with the Hold flag.


IAREQDEPT - If found, require department to adjust inventory.

ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled.

ICSEPBYOWNER - If CID option ICSEPBYOWNER is enabled, and item has MULTIOWNER attribute, then the cost by assembled part owner is captured in ITEMMOH,ITEMMOD.

IGNORECRM - Add logic to show 4 box question screen (orig, credit, both, neither), then set ignorecrm flag based on questions. Add new ignorecrm field to billmast (y/n)


IMITEMCAT - Require the Item Transaction Category in Item Master. The desired reflex is when adding a new item, ITEMCAT should be empty and require user to make an entry.

IMNOZERO - Option to remove zero qty on hand lots from lot tab (They appear if WIP Qty<>0 right now). If set, remove onhand = 0 lots from Lot Tab;

INCFREIGHT - Display Freight as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice.

INCPACKING - Display Packing as a Line Item on Sales Order and Invoice.

INSERTMATDATE - Inserts work date into material descriptions on timesheet material lines.

INSERTNOTE - Inserts work date and resource on timesheet invoices.


INVDATEBATCH - Allows user to assign invoice date on batch screen instead of on shipment screen. If found, use new invdate field as source of invoice dates. If not found, disable field.

INVSHOWTERMINFO - Displays the applicable discount amount if payment terms are met.


ITEMEXACT - Displays item in item master when an exact match is entered, regardless if there are other items that may be a partial match.

ITEMMULTINOTE - Change note screen to have 5 notes (SO, RFQ, PO, PWO and Inv) Setup option controls feature (ITEMMULTINOTE).

ITEMSPECCHAR - If set, allow expanded character set in item codes.

JUMPSTREET - Checks the "Street Match" box by default on the Record Finder.

LABELDEFPRINT - If enabled, print coil tags to user's default printer. Skip Whse Coil tag printer logic.

LABELDIFF - New screen to allows setup of custom Inventory labels for Custom/Item pairs. Change InvLabel generation points to use custom label if found (LABELDIFF CID option enables).

LASERCOIL - Allows printing of laser coil tag labels from PO Receipt screen.

LASTTOUCH - When enabled, show two new columns in the Earned tab:

  • Last Touch - Add date of the newest note for the same customer (rtnotes.entid) that has a note owner (rtnotes.owner) that is the same as the person earning the commission.

  • LT Aged Days - The number of days between the add date of the note and the date the commission was earned.

LEADIMPMATCH - Uses matching logic to allow user to select possible match on the Lead Importer.

LEADUPCUSTNO - If set, and custno in import file, matched import records will have custno updated with custno from file (or unique varent if not unique custno)


LINKACCTBAL - Prints Payments/Credits and current Balance on Adjutant invoice. If set and Attach Link is clicked, all linked coil drop folder files will be attached to email.

LINKCOIL - Attach linked coil documents to invoices from Message Control via the 'Attach Linked' button.

LOCKCOSTONSHIP - If enabled, cost cannot be changed from screen, or via BOM change once line has been shipped (qtyshp<>0). Add logic to PO screen to respect Lock Flag, if set and SO line has been shipped, do not push cost back to SO.

LOCKTDATE - Locks the transaction date as today's date when entering materials in Time and Material entry.

MARKALLSHIP - Marks all line items as selected when using the Manual Ship SO screen.

MATCHSOL - Only Solution Codes with the same starting number as the Standard Task may be used on the timesheet.

MATPLOCK - Enables the Lock checkbox on the Material tab of the Time Entry screen. The Lock checkbox is used to byprass the pricing program in Adjutant.

MATPRICE - Allows the user to change the price of material entered into Time and Material entry.

MBSAUTOSAVE - Add setup option to auto save MBS grid every 30 seconds.

MBSQW - change MBS grid logic to read QW xls file format instead of MBS format.

MCMATCHTYPE - Only enable autocomplete if MCMATCHTYPE CID option enabled and file emailauotcomp.dbf in Adjutant folder. Trap for missing eamilautocomp file.

MILLFROMPO - Inserts the PO vendor name into the Mill Name during coil receipt.

MILTIME - Uses Military Time throughout the system.

MMEXPORTONLY - Option to autocheck 'Export Only' box as a default on UPDATEMINMAX.


MODBYSTKQTY - If enabled, default the AllocbyQty radio button to be selected when screen opens.

MODNODEL - Option to disable Delete button on Mod Processor.


MODNONSTK - If set, non stock items can be created by changing item code at bottom, otherwise non stock items cannot be created by changing item codes.

MODSAMELOT - Automatically uses the existing lot number as the new lot number in the Modification Processor.


MONDAYWEEK - Option to use Monday as start day of week. Custom form need to be changed to reflect correct week days (add 1 to both dates).

MSCHKPO - Checks to see if PO lines linked to SO lines have been received before shipping a sales order.

MSCHKPWO - Checks to see if production items have been completed before shipping a sales order.

MSNAUTOTASK - Automatically creates a Default phase and task when a new project is created.


MSNDROPNAME - Makes the drop folders have the XXXXXX--YYYYYY where xxxxx is the ProidID or Proj Numbe based on NEWMSNNUM setting, and YYYYY is the project name.


MSNNOENDDATE - If set, ending shipping date on Master tab is set to blank. This date is used to create the ending date on the default phase when saved (onsite date).

MSNNUM - Project Number

MSNREQCUST - Requires a customer to be entered before saving a new Project.

MSNUSERWHSE - If set, use users default whse as shipping whse for generated SO. CalcPlant Logic will set production plant based on Whse PP rules.

multicid -




NEWCOUNTYMBM - Change logic to use only ZIPMBMA table . Add missing fields to ZIPMBMA table. NEWCOUNTYMBM CID option turns on.

NEWEMAILOCX - Create new email1 program (email1new) Call from email1 if NEWEMALOCX CID option enabled. Add new code to MessageControl (printnew), use if NEWEMAILOCX is used.





newnotestoemail -





NEWSHIPEVENT - Sales Orders are linked to Shipping Events, but SO lines are not linked until truck is loaded.



NEwTASKSEQ - Tasks are given a new SO sequence number (CID Counter) that is separate from the Sales Order counter. The counter is set up in the CID Maintenance screen, on the Counters tab.


newusersec -

NO501 -

NOADDNOTE - When enabled, do not process the addnote event.

NOADJINV - Adjutant Inventory module is not installed.




NOBUYOUTSHEET - Option to allow skipping of Buyout sheet question

NOCOGS - If NOCOGS is enabled, and task is not billable, then ignore posting window for labor lines.


NOGLINSTALL - General Ledger software is not installed; skips posting logic in batch generator.

NOINV - Inventory Module not installed in 3rd Party accounting system.


NOLOAD - Will change screen to not automaticlly display the first file in list.


NOOCTDISCOUNT - Coded to not include supplements in calculating the maximum amount. Look for nooctdiscount cid rule which only USA uses to run through this code.

NOPORECSUMM - Skip printing of PO Receipt Summary if enabled.



nopublicpage - Option not to allow public page.


NOTESDROP - Change Email Notes linking to use RTNOTES drop folder if setup.

OACCMGR - The account manager on the Sales Order may be changed.

OAHSHOWALLSO - Include Work Order type Sales Orders (tasks) in the Sales Order tab of the Organization Air Hammer.

ONHANDALL - If enabled and all is selected as qty filter, 0 qty records will be added for all other matching stk items that are not in report.

ONUSAGE - Add setup option to check Usage box by default.

OPENPOSHOWUSE - When set and report is run in detail mode, qtyissue field has qty of item used on linked svrord line.

ORGPERSON - If set, show a new dropdown (Organization/Person) If person selected, show new fiields (Firstname, lastname, MI, phone3, phone4).

OVERREC - Allows your receipt quantity to be more than your order quantity in PO Receipts.

PFORCED - Requires a project to be linked to a sales order before it can be submitted to production.

PFORCED - Requires a project to be linked to a sales order before it can be submitted to production.

PFSPWOBIN - Moves non serial/lot stock items from an inventory bin into the PWO Bin.
  • If qty exists in probin, then move from probin.
  • If qty exists in only one bin (regardless of whether it is probin), then move from that bin.
  • If qty exists in more than one bin, then ask user which bin(s) to move inventory from.

PFSPWOBINA - Works like PFSPWOBIN, but always shows the bin list as long as there is at least one bin with the item in it.

PL=WOD - Option to allow Prompt 45 and Prompt 45 to treat scanned PL code as wod.keyno

PLAINTEXT - Plaintext option (checkbox). Box is defaulted if PLAINTEXT cid option is set. For Message Control screen.

POADDOHF - Option that will auto-add missing OHF record.

POAUTOCLOSE - Purchase Orders will be automatically closed if all quantities have been received on the PO.

POAUTOLOT - Lot numbers are automatically generated for lot controlled items during a PO Receipt. The lot number is generated from the LOTNO counter on the CID Maintenance screen.

POAUTOPRINT - Skips over the Print PO screen when printing from the Purchase Order.

POAUTOPROCESS - Vendor Bids are automatically processed (emailed, faxed, printed) when they are created.


POCHECKMAX - Checks the order quantity on the PO against the Max level in the OHF tab of the Item Master. If the order quantity plus the current on hand quantity exceeds the Max quantity, an alert will be given.

POCOILLBS - Stocks coil inventory items in lbs and catches linear feet (as opposed to stocking in linear feet and catching lbs).

POCOILLOTCHK - If set, check for duplicate coil lot numbers in same whse. Do not allow receipt of duplicate lots, warn if modifcation will create duplicate lots with qty <> 0.

POCOILLOTCHKWHSE - Option to prevent duplicate lot numbers (any item, any whse).




POIGNORETAX - Ignores sales tax amount on purchase order receipts in regards to GL posting.

POINSERTGL - Automatically inserts the Inventory Control account into the GL Acct field on the PO.

POINSERTTASK - Inserts the ordered item into the Materials section of Task Entry instead of directly onto the Time and Material Entry screen.

POITEMBOXSKIP - Eliminates the "List/Add/Reenter/Non

POLABELMANY - Label counts default to quantity ordered on Print PO Labels screen. Defaults to 1 if not set.

POLINEISLOT - Appends a dash and the line number onto the Lot# of an item with the PONOISLOTNO attribute. Change lot # gen logic to add - PO Line number if POLINEISLOT CID setup up is set and item has PONOISLOTNO attrib.

POLOCKGL - Locks/disables the GL Acct field when a stock item is entered onto a PO.

POLOCKWHSE - Locks/disables the Rec Whse field on Purchase Order line items. All lines will be received into the warehouse listed on the PO Header.

POLOTPROJPHASE - If option is enabled, and item has PONOISLOTNO attribute, use PO-PROJ#-PHASE as lotnumber.

PONOISLOTNO - Automatically assigns the PO# as the Lot # when receiving lot controlled items.

PONOTEMPLATE - If set, the template box is disabled.

POPRINTALLOC - Report option to PO receipt screen. New PORECALLOC report only shows linked SO lines (linked to this PO receipt, and unlinked SO lines with matching items. Items are sorted by estdate, with linked items first.

POPRINTBO - Asks if you want to print the Backorder Report after receiving a PO.

POQUOTEDCOST - Uses Quoted Cost, instead of Last Cost, from vendor on all PO's.

PORECCHGWHSE - Allows you to change the receiving warehouse during a PO Receipt.

PORECFAST - Opens the Quick PO Receipt screen when clicking the PO Receipt icon on the PO screen.

PORECUPSOCOST - Automatically updates the Sales Order line item cost for SO line items that are linked to PO lines (based upon cost on PO).

PORECUPSODESC - Automatically updates the Sales Order description for SO line items that are linked to PO lines (based upon item description on PO).

POREMOVEPROJ - If set, project and phase are blanked out on lost focus of SO/Svr Link if SO/Svr Link is blank.

POREQGL - Requires that a GL account number be entered for every item on a PO.

POREQTODAY - Sets the Req Date on a PO to today's date. The default is today plus three days.

PORRNOTE - If set use Note from SOLDFROM Screen as PO Header note.




POSKIPLABELS - PO labels will not print on receipt of items when label engine is running.

POSKIPLABELSCOIL - If set skip printing labels during receipt of coils.

POSPLITTAX - Split tax out on itemact record if POSPLITTAX is enabled.

POSWITCHWHSE - Automatically updates all PO line items with new Receiving Warehouse when it is changed on the PO Header.

POTEMPWHSE - Add new temp whse field to POREC screen. If filled in, items are received into this whse, and then put on the next interplant SE as transfer items. Items on SE transfers appear as on order to the TWhse, and allocated from the FWhse. (POTEMPWHSE turns on the TempWhse option)

POUPDATEDROUTE - Updates Delivery Route Shipping Events for back

POUSERISBUYER - If set and user is a buyer, PO will default with them as buyer. fF POUSERISBUYER is set, PO cannot be saved with a blank buyer.

POUSETAXFLAG - If set, default taxable status matches ItemMaster Sales Tax Flag (resell flag is ignored).

POWARNPURUNIT - Alert user if Unit on PO <> Pur unit on item master. CID option POWARNPURUNIT enables.

PRINTCOILLABEL - If set and SKIPLABLESONASSEMBLY set, print coil tags anyway (Wireless production).

PRINTINVCOILREC - Add all fields from coil tag to c_coilr cursor. Used on report just like soc fields. Added logic to PDF maker. Enabled with CID option PRINTINVCOILREC

PRINTINVNOZEROS - Automatically selects the "Exclude Zero Dollar Lines" option on the Print Invoices screen.

PRINTINVSKIPZERO - Add new Skip Zero Dollar invoice checkbox. Skip printing zero dollar invoices if checked, mark as printed only. Add setup option (PRINTINVSKIPZERO) to default the checkbox as checked.

PRINTINVSPECDATE - Add a small pageframe with date range and state field to Print Invoice screen. Screen pops up when a button is pressed. When active, the date range and state logic is used to selecte the invocies to print instead of the number range or print all, unprinted butttons.Button is made visible with the PRINTINVSPECDATE CID option.

PRINTPAUSE - Add delay between printing each invoice to keep them in the correct order in the printing queue.

PRINTSOBOTH - Sets the Print SO screen to print both the Packing List and Sales Order by default.



PRINTSTMT - If set, change print invoice prompt to print statements. If yes, launch PRINTBS1, PRINTBS2 and BILLSUMMARY with current ORG and BILLCYCLE filled in. Change PRINTBS1,PRINTBS2 and BILLSUMMARY to take parameters, and move off center if parameter passed.

PRINTSTMTC1 - Add new printer button that only is visible if PRINTSTMT, PRINTC1STMT or PRINTC2STMT is enabled.

PRINTSTMTC2 - Add new printer button that only is visible if PRINTSTMT, PRINTC1STMT or PRINTC2STMT is enabled.

PRODROP - Service to handle moving files from drop folders into sub folders; Add to FoxProcess service, make setup option to disable in docvault screen.

PROJALLOCINV - Sets the "Allocate Inventory" option to be checked by default on the Project Control


PROJAUTOSONUM - Automatically numbers sales orders generated from the Project. Project ID is used as first SO. A dash with a number starting at 01 will accompany future sales orders (PROJID



projectresource - Turns on the following logic on the timesheet_daily page:
  • 1. Gray out the client field and set the cursor to start in the project field.
  • 2. Change the Project field to be a drop-down with Project and Phase listed. Limit the options to Projects that are linked to the Resource.
  • 3. Automatically set the Resource to the logged in user and do not allow the user to change this field.
  • 4. Automatically set the bill code according to the Project-Phase-Resource and do not allow the user to change this field.

PROJHELDFOR - Automatically generates a HeldFor record in the HOLDER rule for projects that are set to allocate inventory.

projoppsp -

projoppwonlosttop -

PROJTASKCRANE - If enabled, fill out quest1,quest2 and quest3/Quest4 with questions/answers from AFI system. Shows the answers to the three questions related to the AFI Crane app.

PROJTOSHIPTO - The Project Name is used as the Ship To location name when generating a new Ship To from Project Control

PUSHERROR - Finish web service to allow pushing of error log data to abis server. Enable with PUSHERROR CID Setup option. Used in place of EMAILERROR option (did not work if email not fully setup). Change ErrorOne to use PUSHERROR option if setup


PWOADDATREC - Automatically inserts received items into the Assigned Inventory section of a Production Work Order when a production SO line is linked to a PO line.



PWOBOMLIST - Prints the Bill of Material list for a production item on the Production Work Order form.























PWOREQCERT - Requires all production items to be certified before being assembled.






PWOSEPARATELIKEITEM - Separates all items on the Assign Inventory tabs. Default logic will group same items together if there are separate records.



PWOSOORDER - Orders the Production Work Order form in the same order as the Sales Order. Default logic will sort the PWO by item code and then by length descending.







QADDQCOST - Uses base cost as quoted cost if adding an item on Basics tab. Uses today as quote date, and today + 90 days as quote expiration date.









QUICKADDITEM - Default to Basics tab on Item Master when adding item on

RECALCLEAD - Recalculates the Vendor Lead Time on PO Receipts according to value entered in LEADRECALC rule.

RECALCLEADMAN - Screen appears after PO receipt showing old lead time and new lead time for each item on PO. User has option to select which items to update lead times.



REQCOMPSVRORD - Require Completed Service Order to Bill.

REQCONTRACT - Require Contract on Task Entry.

REQDEPT - Require Department for Task Entry.

REQMETER - Require Meter on Time Entry.

REQNOTES - Require Notes before time entry may be saved.


REQPROBCODE - Require Standard Task on Task Entry.

REQRESOURCE - When enabled, requires a resource to be specfied in Task Assignment area before the Task can be saved.

REQSHIPVIASO - Require ShipVia on Sales Order before continuing to Line Items.

REQWORKCAT - Require Work Category on Task.








RFQPRINTSCREEN - Displays Additional Print Screen and options when printing a Customer Quote.





RTGRIDMATERIAL - Adds a 'Has Material' checkbox to the Task Grid which displays a check if material has been added to the service order.

RTGRIDTOTAL - Adds Labor Time, Equipment Time, and Total Time (Lab+Equip) columns to the Task Grid.












SCHNOW - Schedule Task at Current Time.

SCHSHOWDT - Shows estimated drive time on Schedule screen.































SHIPNONEGQTYS - Prohibits a user from shipping a quantity of a stock item that would cause it to have a negative on


SHIPSOINVOICE - Creates an invoice as soon as shipment is completed.



SHOWCOST - Displays cost field on the Sales Order.



SHOWCUSTPRICE - Displays customer's price on item lookup instead of List Price. Price shown in the list box is actual price setup in contract or pricing matrix.





SHOWWARNING - Automatically displays any warning notes attached to the organization when entering SO/PO/TASK/etc.


SINGLEBAG - Single Inventory Package in System (non

SINGLEEMAIL - In Message Control, the system will send one email to multiple recipients instead of one email per recipient.

SINGLEPWO - One Production Work Order per Line Item on SO.






SKIPCOOPO - Country of Origin not required on PO Receipt.



SKIPPACKLISTPO - Packing list not required on PO Receipt.

SKIPQTYCHKSO - Bypasses the Quantity Check pop






SOASKPRODQTY - Allows user to change production quantities when submitting a sales order to production.

SOAUTO - Will make SO Printing default to SOAUTO- attribute.




SOCFIXEDPRICE - The controlling quantity price adjustment is set to the customer's contract price. Other configuration options do not affect the price.






SOCPQUICK - The price field on the Quick Line Item Entry tab of the Sales Order may be edited when entering line items.





SODEFPACKING - Defaults the Sales Order print screen to the Packing List option.




SOHIDEGM - Hides the Gross Margin field on the Sales Order.


SOHIDEPRICEADJ - Hides the Price Adjustment of each configuration on the Item Configuration screen.

SOITEMBOXSKIP - Skips the List/Add/Re

SOITEMEXACT - An exact match on item lookup will always pull up the item, even if there are other possible matches.

SOLABELMANY - Label counts default to quantity ordered on Print SO Labels screen. Defaults to 1 if not set.





SOLDTOZONE - When enabled, Zone is pulled from the SoldTo (District) record rather than the ShipTo (Location) in the Task Entry screen, Reinspection screen, tapping screen, and the Work Order Generator.






SOMULTIWHSEALERT - SO lines that are shipping from a warehouse different than the SO Header warehouse will be highlighted in yellow.

SOMUSTSAVEHEADER - Forces the SO Header to be saved before continuing on to the Line Items tab.




SONOPRICENAG - Disables the Price Nag window on the Sales Order.

SONOQUICK - Disables the Quick Line Item Entry tab on the Sales Order.









SOPWOCHGDDATE - Changes the Due Date on the Production Work Order according to the Load Date on the Sales Order.


SOREQPO - Requires a PO# to be entered for every sales order.


SOREQSALESTEAM - Requires the Sales Team attribute be filled out for the Customer/Order Type of the SO.

SOREQSE - Shipping Event required on Sales Order. (Shipping Event is always required if multi

SOREQSHIPADDR - Ship To address on Sales Order header must have Address, City, State, and Zip Code.

SOREQTAXTABLE - Ship To address on Sales Order must have a valid tax table.







SOSETSP - Default User in Salesperson drop



SOSHOWLASTREV - Uses "last revision" logic on sales order.


SOSHOWSIMPREV - Uses Simple Revision logic on sales order (most popular option).


SOSINGLESHIPTO - Automatically updates all lines on sales order with Ship To entered on header.

SOSKIPDSQ - Disable the Drop

SOSTARTADD - Starts the Sales Order screen in Add mode.






SUPRESSBNOTES - Suppresses the "Copy to Billing Notes" question on the Time Entry screen.





TASKBLANKPO - Clears out Customer PO field on original task when using the Recurring Task Generator.


taskcheckcomp -

TASKDEFWORKING - Prints the Working Form of a Task by default.


TASKIGNOREZONE - Ignores the Zone Resource attribute restriction


TASKNEWSEQ - Uses the TASK counter in CID Maintenance instead of the SONO counter.


TASKNODEPTLINK - Any Department can perform any Standard Task; there is no required link between the two.


TASKPLOCK - Enables the Lock checkbox on the Material tab of the Task Entry screen. The Lock checkbox is used to bypass the pricing program in Adjutant.

TASKPRICE - Enables the Price field on the Material tab of the Task Entry screen. Users can edit this field when this setup option is selected.

TASKQUESTBIG - User Defined Questions on tasks are popped up in new window when task is entered.


TASKSKIPCPO - Disables the Customer PO# field on the Task Entry Screen.

TASKSKIPDAYS - When creating a new assignment for a task, the day after the last assignment is used as the default schedule date.





TAXTABLES - Sales Tax Tables are used and tax rate field on Ship To screen is disabled, tax table must be used in order to obtain a tax rate.


TSADD - Time and Material Entry screen opens in ADD mode.

TSCHECKHOURS - Checks time entries against Block Contracts (prepaid hours or dollars). If exceeded or approaching, warns the user.

TSCHECKONHAND - Checks current on hand quantities when entering material in the Time and Material Entry screen. Warns user if qty entered is greater than qty on hand.



TSCOMP - Cursor starts in Completed By field on Time and Material Entry screen.


TSFORCESPELL - Forces a spell checks on time entries.

TSGETPOLINES - When LoadMat button is clicked, loads all directly and indirectly linked PO lines into Materials tab of Time and Material Entry screen. PO line may be linked directly to Task, or indirectly linked through the Project or to a Sales Order linked to the Project.



TSMAT - Time and Material Entry screen opens with Material tab selected instead of Labor tab.

TSMATITEMORD - Items are loaded into the Time and Material Entry screen in Item Code order when the LoadMat button is clicked.

TSNODRIVETIME - Disables the DT (Drive Time) button on Time and Material Entry.






tsstartstop -



UNCHKLOCK - Uncheck Load Locked Only box on Billing screens.

UNCHKNOBILL - Uncheck Nobill Printing Option on Approve/Edit Billing Screen.


UPDATEBCOST - Update Base Cost on Item if Receipt cost is higher than current cost.

UPDATEDUE - Ask to Update Due Date on Task.

UsageSellCount -





USECC - Use credit card processing screens if installed.

USEMSNASSONO - Forces Sales Order number to match Project number in auto



VERBROSE - Turns on the Verbose Checker on Time entry.


VTIMECLOCK - Virtual Timeclock on Schedule if Resource name is double





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