Page History: Stock Replenishment (Quick Buy)
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Page Revision: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:16
General Information
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Procurement >> Quick Buy
Screen Name QUICKBUY
Function The Stock Purchase Quick Buy screen is used to auto-generate purchase orders based on a purchasing formula and default suppliers.
You can also generate the
Recommended Reorder Report from this screen.
Stock Purchases
Item #: The item code of the item selected.
Vendor: The default vendor.
Vendor Part#: The vendor's part number.
MFG Part#: The manufacturer's part number.
Last Rec: The last date the item was received.
Last Cost: The last received cost.
Rating: The rating given to the vendor.
Discount: The standard discount you receive for this item from the vendor.
Lead Time: The expected number of days it will take to receive the item.
Order Inc: The order increment.
# of items for vendor: The total number of items it is recommended you buy from the vendor.
Last Cost Total: The total last cost based on the above.
List Price Total: The total list price based on the above.
# of items: The total number of items in the grid.
# of PO's: The total number of purchase orders that will be generated (based on the number of items selected in the grid).
Total Value: The total value of all purchase orders that will be generated.