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Page History: Organization Attributes - HOW TO Edit Attributes

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Page Revision: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 15:21

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Maintain >> Address Book >> Organization

How To Edit Organization Attributes

Organization Screen is also accessible from the Adjutant Toolbar

  • To edit the list of attributes for an organization or see all of the available attributes, click the Edit Attributes button

Edit Attributes

  • Edit Attributes and Hide Attributes button toggle between current attributes assigned to the organization and all of the other attributes available

  • Check the box to the right of the attribute to add it to an organization

An Explanation of Organization Attributes

Below is a list of attributes that can be assigned to organizations. Some of the attributes have corresponding sub-screens that are explained in the available hyperlinks provided below.

Remember that an organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, etc that you have a relationship with.

Bill To

Ship To

Sold To

Sold From

Remit To


Commodity Groups

Warning Note

Carrier: A shipping company or carrier that is used to transport goods

Consignment Vendor: An owner of inventory in your warehouse, who is paid each time their inventory is used

Inventory Owner: An owner of inventory in your warehouse, who is not paid each time their inventory is used

Prospect: A qualified Suspect that has the potential for revenue

Ship From: Ships merchandise to you from this address

Suspect: Name of person or company that needs to be marketed to, but has not been contacted as of yet

VIP: Very Important Person; an overly important contact that may require special handling

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