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Page History: HOW TOs: Contract Management

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Page Revision: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 09:01

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Contract Management >> Contract Master

Contract Master Screen

Contract Master Screen

Create a New Contract

Contracts are created in the Contract Master screen

General tab is used to setup contracts.

  • The field located at the top left of the screen, enter the name of the organization you are creating a contract for

  • Click New to create a new contract

  • Enter the name of contract in the Contract # field


Contract #: Enter the name of the contract

Start Date: Enter the date the contract takes effect. Sales orders and service orders started before this date cannot be applied to this contract

End Date: Enter the date the contract ends. Sales orders and service orders started/completed after this date cannot be applied to this contract

Customer Contact: Select the contact person inside the organization regarding this particular contract

Internal Contact: Select the contact person inside your company regarding this particular contract. This is the contract manager. Only people with the Contract Manager attribute will be available for selection

Bill To: Enter the customer being billed for this contract

Allow Non-Listed Billings: Check this box to allow the adding/billing of additional items

Default: Check this box to make this contract the default for the organization

Click Save when you are finished and move on to the next tab or go straight to the Copy From tab

Copy a Contract

Create a new contract by copying from an existing contract

Maintain >> Contract Management >> Contract Master

  • Open Contract Master screen

  • Enter the customer's name

  • Click the ADD button

  • Fill out the Contract Name, Start/End Date, Customer Contact, Internal Contact (contract manager), and Bill To

  • Click SAVE

  • Go to Copy From tab (Select the Contract you wish to copy by entering that contract's customer name)

  • Click the Copy button

  • Edit the contract details accordingly

How To Video: Copy a Contract

Generate Other Charges

Transaction >> Contract Master >> Generate Other Charges

  • Select a Contract the charges are coming from

(Click here to learn where to setup a contract)

  • Edit the Quantities inside the grid (Default quantities, previously set up in the contract, will be displayed)

  • Click the ADD button to add any additional charges that do not already appear in your grid

  • Select Work Category and Department in the fields

  • Leave the Bill Date as today's date and change the Bill Cycle to the month you are billing in

  • Choose the correct Statement Form (if necessary)

  • Preview the statement by clicking the Preview Output button

  • Click the Build button to generate the charges

  • Click the Print button to print the service order that was created

How To Video: Generate Other Charges

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