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General Description

Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Email Templates



Function The Email Template screen allows you to set up boiler plate emails that are sent through Adjutant.

Email Templates that are Organization or Contact types can be used in the CRM module.

Task type Email Templates are typically auto-generated email alerts attached to Tasks.


Template Name: The name of the template

Template Names
  • ARPASTDUE - Used for past due reminders sent via the AR Past due screen.
  • PRINTINV - Used when emailing invoices.
  • PRINTPO - Used when emailing purchase orders
  • PRINTPWO - Used when emailing production work orders.
  • PRINTRFQ - Used when emailing customer quotes.
  • PRINTSO - Used when emailing sales orders.
  • PRINTSTATE - Used when emailing customer AR statements.

Custom Templates - you can create user specific templates by setting up a new template and adding "-USERNAME" for the specific user. For instance PRINTSO-JSMITH would show a custom Print SO email template for the JSMITH user. You can also create specific templates per the sales order type. For example, using the previous example if you wanted to print a certain template for sales orders with a type of 'F' in the SOTYPE rule, the template would be PRINTSO-F-JSMITH.

Subject: The Subject name

From Address: The email address of the person who is sending the template.

File Name: The custom file name to be used when SaveAs is selected in the Message Control screen for the document in question.

Template Type: Template options- Organization, Contact, Task

Data Source: Data source options where the data is stored

Field Name: A list of Field Names provided to use in the template

Custom Templates - you can create user specific templates by setting up a new template and adding "-USERNAME" for the specific user. For instance PRINTSO-JSMITH would show a custom Print SO email template for the JSMITH user.

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