Page History: Positive Pay
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Page Revision: Mon, 13 Mar 2017 12:59
General Information
Default Menu Location: Transaction>> Accounts Payable >> Positive Pay
Screen Name: APMAKEPP
Function: Adjutant will generate a Positive Pay .csv file based on check payments made in the system that can be sent to a bank.
Once generated, the Positive Pay csv file will be saved in the AP_PP_Exports folder contained in the Adjutant Folder.
There are two formats used. The default is a traditional positive pay format containing transaction type, routing number, check date, number, amount and vendor. The new format contains the account number, routing info, check number, date, amount, a check code (320 for active check, 370 for voided), and the vendor. The new format is set up in the Positive Pay rule using the bank account and the work "NEWPP" as the format code. The Positive Pay screen will indicate whether the new or old format is set up.
Reset Date
Once you generate the positive pay file, the checks will be marked as "Processed". If you need to redo a positive pay file, you can reset the date of the processed flag using the Reset Date function. This will allow you to generate another file.