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Page History: Weekly Time Sheet

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Page Revision: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 09:02

The Weekly Time Sheet allows users to:

View all tasks assigned to a resource during a specified week

View previously posted time for tasks

Post new time to a task

To post time to a task, double-click the correct cell within the Time Sheet Grid. This will open the Resource Time Entry Screen.

Select the resource's time sheet you wish to view in this pull-down menu.

Click this icon to display a calendar to choose a different week to display.

Click the icon to refresh the contents of the screen and display any changes made. Check the Auto box if you want the system to automatically refresh every time a change is made.

Select the week you wish to view. The date is indicative of the Monday's date for that week.

The total number of hours posted for the week. Automatically populated.

The service order number and task name for the selected task in the Weekly Time Sheet Grid.

Check the Past Due box to view tasks that have occurred, but haven't had time posted to them.

Check the Completed box to view tasks that have been marked as completed.

Check the Future box to view all tasks in the future.

Check the Unscheduled box to view all tasks without a scheduled date.

Check the Administrative box to view all standard administrative tasks.

This grid shows all posted time for the week and filters it into billing code types.

Complete tasks are shown in blue.

Pending tasks are shown in pink. A pending task is one that is not complete and has NO time posted to it for the week.

Active tasks are shown in white. An active task is one that is not complete and has time posted to it for the week.

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