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Page Revision: Fri, 14 Sep 2018 09:22


Screen Name - TRANSREQ

Menu Path - Transaction > Item Control > Transfer Request Processor

Function - The Transfer Request screen allows field technicians to submit requests to the main warehouse for inventory transfers to replenish their truck inventory.


New Request - Puts the screen in Add Mode to enter a new Transfer Request.

Select Request - Puts the screen in Select Mode to search for an existing Transfer Request.

Edit Request - Puts the screen in Edit Mode to modify an existing Transfer Request. Only available if the request is in a "Pending" status.

Delete Request - Deletes the selected Transfer Request. Only available if the request has not been processed.

Save Changes - Saves the Transfer Request record.

Cancel Changes - Cancels changes made to a Transfer Request.

Submit Request - Marks the Transfer Request as "Submitted" to indicate that is it ready to be processed.

Acknowledge Request - Marks the Transfer Request as Acknowledged to indicate that the materials that were transferred in Adjutant match up to what was physically transferred.


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