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Page History: Subcontractor Time/PO Importer

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Page Revision: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 12:33

General Information


Function: The Subcontractor Time/PO Importer allows a user to import an excel file with with work order and purchase order information to enter time and close POs for subcontractors.


1. The first step in the process is to make sure that all work order and purchase orders exist in Adjutant. These orders have to still be open.

2. The next step is to fill out the import template.

• Sonum – Service Order #

• Resid – RID from Resource Record

• Date – Date for time entry record

• Solcode – Solution code for time entry record

• Insstat – Inspection Status

• Intnote – Internal note

• Compby – This needs to match the USERID of the user importing the file

• Compdate – Completed date

• Pono – Purchase Order #

• Podesc – Description for the PO line items (all items will be SUBCON)

• Purcost – This is the cost for the PO line item.


3. Once your file is ready to be imported, open the Import Subcon screen. Browse and select your file, click the Map Fields buttons to verify the fields match up correctly, then click Import.

4. You can then view your tasks and purchase orders and see that the tasks are now complete and have time entries, and the purchase orders are closed.

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