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Page History: Submit to Production

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Page Revision: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 07:51

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General Information

Default Menu Location: None - the Submit to Production screen is called from the Sales Order screen when the SOASKPRODQTY setup option is turned on.

Screen Name: S2P

Function: Allows users to view and modify the quantities of each production item before submitting the order to production.

Submit to Production - Click for full size

Submit to Production - Click for full size

Setup Options

The SOASKPRODQTY setup option must be turned on in order for this screen to pop up when you submit an order to production.

The S2PFULLQTY setup option sets the Qty to Produce column equal to the Order Qty, regardless of stock status and on hand availability. With this setup option turned off, the Qty to Produce and Pull From Stock columns are automatically adjusted accordingly to the item's Available Qty.

S2P - Changing Qty to Produce

S2P - Changing Qty to Produce

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