Page History: Resource Screen
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Page Revision: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 13:03
General Description
Default Menu Location: Contact Screen >> Resource (attribute)
Screen Name: RESOURCE
Function: A resource is defined as a person, place, or thing that is used to conduct business and/or generate revenue. Resources may be assigned to tasks and post time to tasks.The Resource screen is used to set up and maintain a resource's characteristics.
Schedule Tab: Determines which tab the resource falls under in the Schedule Screen.
Schedule Tab Names are maintained in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Schedule Tab Names from the drop-down menu.Start on Tab: If the Resource is also a User, then select the tab the User will first see when opening the Schedule screen.
Resource Name: The name of the resource. This may be different than the Name of the Person/Organization/Asset.
RID: The Resource's ID. This may be left blank.
Supervisor: The supervisor for this resource. Check the supervisor box if this resource is a supervisor to someone else.
WO Form: If there is a custom work order form for this resource, enter it here.
Def Equip: Default equipment; if the resource has equipment (an asset) that is always used when working. Assets are defined in the Asset Information Screen.
Acct EMPID: Used to get actual cost information for this resource. Same ID as in Payroll.
Cost Factor: A standard cost that can be used instead of actual payroll cost.
Email: Enter an email address if the resource is not a named person, but you still want someone to be notified when the resource is assigned to a task.
Department: The default department the resource works in.
Normal Work Hours: The normal working hours for the resource. This is taken into account in scheduling when the next available slot is found for a task.
Default Bill Code: The resource's default billing code. This billing code will be used if the Standard Task has not specified one in advance.
Default WHSE: The default warehouse/plant for this resource.
Default Hours Per Day: The number of hours per day the resource can work on one task.
Daily Schedule Load: The number of hours per day the resource can work on many tasks. This field is useful for resources that are Organizations or Teams/Squads.
Allow Overlap: Check this box if the resource allows overlapping assignments in their schedule. Always check this box for resources that have a Daily Schedule Load over 9 hours (or one day's work).
Assign to Parent Company Only: Check this box if the resource can only do work for the Company they are associated with.
Squad Member Of: Displays the resource's squad. Read only field.
Squad Master: Check this box if the resource is a squad. Click the Build Squad button to add other resources to the squad.
Stand-In #1: Enter the name of a resource that will act as a stand-in when this resource is out.
Attributes: The attributes for this resource. Resource attributes fall into two separate categories: Skills and Zones.
Skill Attributes are maintained in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Skill Codes from the drop-down menu.
Zone Attributes are maintained in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Zones from the drop-down menu.