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Page History: Expense Types

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Page Revision: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 17:02

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance >> Expense Types

Screen Name: RULEM

Applies To: Expense Reports

Function: The Expense Types rule controls the following:

  • Drop-down options presented to the user in each applicable section of the Expense Report.

Example of Expense Type option

Example of Expense Type option

  • The Item Code to use when billing a client for the expense.

  • The GL Account to use when the expense is reimbursable.

You can download a good starting point for this rule from here. You will need to modify the GL accounts and set up the Items.

Expense Types

Expense Types


Text1: Two character unique code for the Expense Type.

Text2: The Description of the Expense Type.

Text3: The Item Code that will be used if the expense is billable.

Text4: The Expense Type/Section. Every expense type must fit into one of six categories:

  1. Mileage/Tolls (MILE)
  2. Travel (TRAVEL)
  3. Lodging (LODGE)
  4. Meals (MEALS)
  5. Entertainment (ENT)
  6. Miscellaneous (OTHER)

Text5: GL Account to be debited if the expense is reimbursable.

Number1: The order each type will appear in the corresponding drop-down list.

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