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Page History: Expense Types

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Page Revision: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 16:46

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance >> Expense Types

Screen Name: RULEM

Applies To: Expense Reports

Function: The Expense Types rule controls the following:

  • Drop-down options presented to the user in each applicable section of the Expense Report.

Example of Expense Type option

Example of Expense Type option

  • The Item Code to use when billing a client for the expense.

  • The GL Account to use when the expense is reimbursable.

Expense Types

Expense Types


Text1: The Name of the Payment Type

Text2: The Description of the Payment Type

What appears in the drop down and what's actually saved and later displayed are different according to text1 and text2. For ease of use, just make these the same as is shown in the screenshot.

Logic1: Sets the default value (yes or no) of whether the expense is reimbursable.

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