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Page Revision: Fri, 02 Feb 2018 16:31
General Information
Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenanct
Function An event is an action that is created in the system when certain activities are performed. Events are created in a rule, and can be used to trigger routes that launch tasks.
Events use three pieces of information. The Event name which is the general event format, the Type, which is the module being used, and the code, which mainly use Create (CR) or edited (ED)
Event Set Up
ADDASSET (Type = ASSET Code = CR) Creates an event when a new asset is made.
ADDBILLTO (Type = BILLTO Code = CR) Creates an event when a new Bill To attribute is given to an organization.
ADDENT (Type = ENT Code = CR) Creates an event when a new organization is made.
ADDSHIPTO (Type = SHIPTO Code = CR) Creates an event when a new Ship To attribute is given to an organization.
ADDITEM (Type = ITEM Code = CR) Creates an event when a new item is made.
ADDSOLDTO (Type = SOLDTO Code = CR) Creates an event when a new Sold To attribute is given to an organization.
PROJ-Xyyy (Type = PROJ-Xyyy Code = CR) Where yyy represents the Project Event code from the
PROJXEVENTrule. This event is created based on setup from the Project Events rule where you can assign a task and a day count. The event is created when the project goes beyond the designated day count without the designated task being completed.
PHASE-SDATE-XX (Type = PHASE-SDATE-XX Code = ED) Where XX represents the Project Type code from the Project Type rule. This event is created when the phase start date is changed. When the change occurs, the original start date is stored for reference in the email template as -~msnphase.postartdate~.
PHASE-EDATE-XX (Type = PHASE-EDATE-XX Code = ED) Where XX represents the Project Type code from the Project Type rule. This event is created when the phase end date is changed. When the change occurs, the original end date is stored for reference in the email template as -~msnphase.poenddate~.