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Page Revision: Thu, 04 Jun 2015 11:03

General Description

Default Menu Location Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> MBS/QuestWare Integration >> Excel BOM Import/BOM to Excel

Screen Name MBSGRID

The setup option MBSQW must be turned on for Questware to work with Adjutant

There are a few key differences between MBS and Questware integration with Adjutant:
  • Questware does not have to deal with the "BOM to Excel" screen
  • Questware has 2 excel uploads to Adjutant instead of 1

Step By Step Guide For Metal Building Creation (Questware to Adjutant)

1. Create Project for the Building using the Project Screen.

2. Create Sales Order from the Project screen for the building order by using the create SO button on the right side of the screen
This sales order will have one line item. Line item will be "Metal Building" (additional line item would be freight). Once added on the Sales Order, system will ask configuration questions for the building (sizes, footage, etc.)


  • NOTE Do not enter any costs on this Sales Order (cost will come from the BOM Sales Order, which is discussed below)

3. Open the Excel BOM Import screen TRANSACTION --> IMPORTERS/EXPORTERS --> MBS QUESTWARE INTEGRATION --> EXCEL BOM IMPORT Fill in all corresponding information, select the 2 excel files from Questware to upload, then click the 'Process' button.


  • NOTE The Excel file must be saved as a 5.0/95 Workbook (or earlier)

4. Use the 'BOM-Item Master Match Up' screen in order to map item codes from Questware to the item codes in Adjutant for the built up items. Items with existing cross references are displayed in Green, unmatched items are Red/Pink. Selecting the green disk saves the cross references made during the session.


Both item code(Adjutant) and item description(Adjutant) are searchable.

5. Once all items have been matched, click the BLUE save disk in the upper right hand corner. The GREEN save button allows you to save current matchups if user cannot finish the process in one session.

6. A popup will appear saying "Do you want to load pricing?". This will load pricing onto the BOM Sales Order being generated. If the original order was a building order, select NO so that the pricing from the original order is what gets sent to the customer.

7. Use the Second 'ASM-Item Master Match Up' screen in order to map item codes from Questware to the item codes in Adjutant for the input items used to make the built up items.


8. Once all items have been matched, click the BLUE save disk in the upper right hand corner. The GREEN save button allows you to save current matchups if user cannot finish the process in one session.

12. Upon saving, Adjutant will then create a BOM Sales Order that matches the existing Sales Order (created in step 2). The order will have the prefix 'BOM'. This order is the order which the user will send to production.

  • NOTE Adjutant will ask if user wishes to load pricing. Select 'NO' (prices will default to '0' on BOM order to eliminate possibility of 'double invoicing')

13. Once production has been completed, ship(invoice) both orders.


MBS Match-Up

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