Page History: Project Budgeting
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Page Revision: Fri, 02 Nov 2018 08:16
The Budgeting tab of Project Control allows setting predefined budgets for each project. The way costs are grouped into each budget category depends on how the rule is set up. Purchase Order Cost and Actual Cost are the only columns that will be updated based on transactions. The Purchase Order Cost column will display the dollar value of unreceived items on PO's for each category. The Actual Cost column will display the actual cost for items shipped out for each category.
Import: Opens a window to allow selecting and importing a Budget Template.
Export: Exports the current budget into Excel.
ReCalc: Recalculates the Purchase Order Cost and Actual Cost columns.
Rule Setup
Project Type: This field references the two character Project Type code from the Project Types rule. This is used to set up budgets for each specific Project Type.
Item CommCode: This field references the Item Commodity Code to use when grouping transactions into budget categories. A commodity code should not be matched with multiple budget codes.
Budget Code: This field references the Budget Code used on the Budget Import Template. A budget code can be used with more than one commodity code. For example, commodity codes BEM & COL for Beams and Columns could both be mapped to the same STR (Structural) budget code.
Import Template
The import template can be downloaded
buddesc: Display name for the budget category. For example, Structural would be put in this column for budget code STR.
cost: Budgeted cost for the category.
price: Budgeted price for the category.
acost: This column should be 0 for import. This will be filled out with the Actual Cost if a budget is exported.
pcost: This column should be 0 for import. This will be filled out with the Purchase Order Cost if a budget is exported.
keyno: This column should be empty for import.
budcode: Budget code from the Project Budget Map rule.
sorter: Sort order for the Budgeting grid.
totline: This column should be "n" empty for import. This will be "y" to indicate a total line if a budget is exported.