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Page Revision: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 08:43

Setup Options & Definitions

ALLRES - Post time to any resource on the Time and Material Entry screen (no assignments necessary).

AMS - Integration with an AMS roll former controller (Eclipse Software) is being used.

AMSPUNCHISP - If set, then use RCODE = P as leading punch question.

AMSUSER2PROFILE - Change values in orderin.del file.

AMSUSER5CUSTNO - Change to use profile profile instead of ams profile.

COLORBYDEPT - Color codes tasks by Department instead of by Priority. The Department Color Picker (Maintain >> Task Management >> Dept Color Picker) may be used to determine the color coding.


CUSTOMPWO1 - Created 2 forms from EXCEL samples. Created new Rule PWOFORMS (Text1 is DeptCode char(2), Text2 is report form name char(20). Change PrintPWO logic to check this table. If dept match is found, use new form. Must have SINGLEPWO turned off.


ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled.

ICSEPBYOWNER - If CID option ICSEPBYOWNER is enabled, and item has MULTIOWNER attribute, then the cost by assembled part owner is captured in ITEMMOH,ITEMMOD.

INCFREIGHT - Display freight as a line item on Sales Order and Invoice.

INCPACKING - Display packing as a line item on sales order and invoice.

LABELDIFF - New screen to allows setup of custom Inventory labels for Custom/Item pairs. Change InvLabel generation points to use custom label if found (LABELDIFF CID option enables).

MATCHOUTTOIN - If set, and all inputs and outputs are the same unit, then adjust the yield to the sum off the inputs. PWO Item needs new ADJUSTYIELD Item Attribute.

MILTIME - Uses military time throughout the system.

NEWITEMLOOKUP - If set, display first 500 items by item order if ? used in description field.


NEWMSNNUM - If set, insert dummy lines into cursor for pullfromstock lines and non production lines. Lines will be sorted to bottom, and have g1 = 'z' in cursor.

NEWSHIP - Newer shipping logic for shipping event screen, will be auto added for new customers "2015"




PRINTCOILLABEL - If set and NOLABLESONASSEMBLY set, print coil tags anyway (Wireless production).

PWO45COMMA - If set, the system will move the auto assemble one logic after the PWO Line scan.

PWO45PM - If set, show PM on prompt 45 scans as line #2 (on all screens where there is room).


PWOADDATREC - Automatically inserts received items into the Assigned Inventory section of a Production Work Order when a production SO line is linked to a PO line.

PWOADDPROFILE - Adds fields from profile table to Print PWO cursor (If PWOADDPROFILE CID option set).

PWOADDSTOCK - If set, insert dummy lines into cursor for pullfromstock lines and non production lines. Lines will be sorted to bottom, and have g1 = 'z' in cursor.

PWOAUTOCONSIG - If enabled, try to use consig items if not enough from correct owner avail.

PWOBOMLIST - Prints the Bill of Material list for a production item on the Production Work Order form.



PWOCLOSEUNUSED - If set, then close PWOs without any material assigned when closing linked Sales Order.


PWOCUTLIST - Build CutList during sub generation, and add back to PWO Header note. CID option PWOCUTLIST enables option.

PWODATEIN - Change adddate of ItemTrack record to oldest add date of used lot controlled material. CID option PWODATEIN enables change.

PWODDREQ - Will use Header ReqDate as the source for the PWO duedate calculations (system will still use existing rule setup, but will use ReqDate as the base not Load Date).

PWODELAMS - If set, send Deletes to AMS if PWO is deleted from AMS if non PWOSETBUNDLE system.


PWOG2SORTDD - If set then sort by DueDate+Dept by default on the SCHEDMASG2 screen.


PWOG2MULTIPLANT - Allows selection of more than one plant when processing list.

PWOG2SHIDE - If set, then filter dates using PWO start date instead of due date.

PWOLOADWOLIST - If set then lc_wolist will have a list of other PWO that have the same lots assigned.

PWOLOCKQTY - If set, then do not allow edit of qty for non build for stock PWO lines.

PWOLOCKWHSE - If set, lock the whse and plant after the order is added. Do not allow access in edit mode.


PWOMATCHYIELD - Option that makes the ORIG qty on BuildForStk PWOs match the Default Yielded Qty from the BOM.

PWONEWCOST - Recalc avgcost for SOTRAN based on assembled cost/qty and shipped costqty. Add logic to Wireless Assembly, and PWO Disassembly. CID Setup option PWONEWCOST enables.

PWONEWCOST2 - Updates Production cost for all like items on same PWO (Same logic, Unshipped PWO cost / Unshipped Assem Qty used to find Unshipped Produced cost, then apply to all like lines (by item code). Test new costassembly logic using wireless terminals.


PWONOCHKPARTIAL - Unchecks the Warn on Partial Allocation checkbox by default.

PWONOCTN - Works with PWOCUTLIST, CID option will stop pushing to note (unable to update note if PWOs are changed).

PWONONSNEG - Prevents you from allocating more material to a work order than you have available.

PWONOPRINTRESET - Option to stop resetting PWO printed flag on RevNumer Change of SO.

PWONOWTUP - Prevents the PWO assembly weight from updating the unit weight already stored in the sales order line. This should only be used if customer is using weight values imported from MBS, or otherwise manually maintained in the sales order record.

PWOONLYONE - If set, then production from a SO will be put on one PWO.



PWOPRINTIMAGE - If set, the the SO drop folder is checked for a JPG or PDF that matches the department name. If found, then it is printed as a second document after the PWO. If PDF then the image conversion tool must be installed on all workstations.

PWOQTYONTASK - Rewrite the task description (of the linked task) and update the task qty if the qty is changed on the SO and then resubmitted to production. Update Task descriptions on Resubmit to Production if PWOQTYONTASK enabled.

PWORCODEAONTASK - If set, then answer of A rcode question from SOC for item starting route is added to start of task. Example: If Team A is the ans to question with RCode of A, the task will be Team A: Rest of Task.

PWOREOPEN - Add buttons to reopen header and lines (UnComplete).

PWOREQALL - If set, then all assignments must be assigned on the PWO for production be to completed.

PWOREQCERT - Requires all production items to be certified before being assembled.

PWOREQINPUT - If set and PWO does not have any assigned input, do not allow assembly of line.

PWORESETREQ - If set, then reset serial/lot req to actual BOM qty in cases where bom item is only assigned to PWO once (single lot/serial)

PWORESQTY - When enabled, pop up grid to verify which resource assembled each yield. If only one resource assigned to line item task(s), then auto-populate resource field.

PWOSAMELOTNO - Uses the input's lot# as the yield's lot#.

PWOSAMELOTNOU - Change RebuildWOBOM logic to handle split lots instead of split serials; Add new setup option PWOSAMELOTNOU.

PWOSAMELOTNOU2 - Option to assign counters just based on lot, not item + lot

PWOSAVEPDF - If set and print only is used, save PDF version of PWO into Project doc vault if linked to project, else save to SO docvault.


PWOSELECTSM - If enabled, single or multi status is pulled from PWOFORMS rule (log1 = SIngle, Log2 = Multi).

PWOSEPARATELIKEITEM - Separates all items on the Assign Inventory tabs. Default logic will group same items together if there are separate records.

PWOSETBUNDLE - Create new screen to allow splitting AMS lines by bundle. Allow auto split on Line#, PMark, Item and Profile. Allow manual split and combine as wanted. Check for bundles over pcs count and lbs count on save. Check for unbundled/over bundled items.


PWOSOORDER - Orders the Production Work Order form in the same order as the Sales Order. Default logic will sort the PWO by item code and then by length descending.

PWOSWAPSERIALUK - Option to swap serial to _UK at assembly point.

PWOTASKDESC - Option to change task descrip to first 50 characters of item description of first line on the PWO (Last 10 chars is same logic from PWOQTYONTASK).


PWOUPDATESOQTY - If enabled and WO is linked to SO and qty changes, will ask to update/Add items to SO.

PWOYESCHKPARTIAL - If set, check the warn on partial allocation box, and disable the checkbox. Add logging to UserTrace when Continue assembly message is shown, and user selects yes.

S2PALLNONE - If set; then either make the full quantity, or none based on current stock levels.

SERIALBYWHSE - Change S2P logic to generate serial numbers from different counters based on plant if CID option SERIALBYWHSE is enabled.

SETRANSIT - If found, transfer items from intercompany SE's to IN-TRANSIT whse when carton is shipped. When unloading carton, move from IN-TRANSIT whse instead of source whse if option is enabled. Change UnloadCart to use original cost tier if possible. This will make the inventory flow thru the IN-Transit whse at the same cost. Change SEADD2 to unlock UnLoad button if SENOUNLOAD is enabled and SETRANSIT is enabled and SE is intercompany. Change allocated logic to show items allocated from IN-Trans whse once they are shipped.

SINGLEBAG - Single Inventory Package in System

SINGLEPWO - One Production Work Order per Line Item on SO.

SKIPAUTONUMBER - If enabled and SO/PO number is blank, autonumber is ran without prompt.

SKIPNOINPUT - Suppress the No inputs assigned message for non stock item during assembly.

SKIPNOLINK - For PWO which would not auto assign non stock material lines that are not linked to PO's (just skip over them). System will still auto assign linked PO items once received.

SKIPSELOOKUP - If set, skip the Interplant SE lookup on PWO assembly when Plant<>SHipWhse, and on Transfer PO receipts when using Temp Whse.

SOSHOWLASTREV - Uses "last version" logic on sales order.

SOSHOWSIMPREV - Uses simple revision logic on sales order (most popular option).

TSPRINTING - If set then map selected PWO printers back to current TS printer names when printing. (PWOPRINTER must also be on)

TWOLABEL - Change logic to print all 1st labels in single loop using g_invdiff, then print all 2nd lables using g_invdiff2a. Log labels printed to new labellog table. 2nd label still enabled with TWOLABEL option.


USEBINS - Bins added to Ship SO, PWO Yields and inputs. USEBINS is Setup Option control. Ibinname is label caption code.

VERBROSE - Turns on the Verbose Checker on Time entry.

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