Page History: Production Capacity Planning
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Page Revision: Thu, 03 Sep 2020 07:49
General Information
Default Menu Location Transaction >> Production >> Production Capacity Planning
Screen Name PWOCAP
Function This screen will compile the estimated run time of a finished good item per machine and allow scheduled day changes to be made. Currently only works with per FT units.
Within the Profile Machine Rule (PMACHINE) certain fields need to be filled out.
Units Per hour: This will be set to FT, the item must be FT factor as well.
Qty Per Hour: How many feet per hour that can be run by operator on machine.
Hours Per Day: Working hours for machine.
Job Setup: Setup time between coil changes.
Use and results of Screen¶
Once the setup has been completed the fields in the capacity plan screen along with the production schedule will be ready to go. Before the calculations will populate the capacity planning screen will have to be monitored and ran. This will have to be done anytime a new order is sent to production.