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Point of Sale Scanning
Scanning an item's UPC code will place that item on a sales order, provided the following are true:
1) The SOSCANUPC setup option is enabled;
2) The Item Master record for the scanned item contains a UPC code.
1) This process requires a USB barcode scanner.
2) The UPC code needs to be in a code 39 format.
1) Activate the SOSCANUPC setup optionIf the SOSCANUPC code isn't active, then select it in CID Maintenance.
2) Fill out the UPC codes in Item MasterThe first step is to fill out the UPC field in Item Master for any item you'd like to scan. This UPC code must match the barcode you're planning to scan for that item. *Items can not share UPC codes.
1) Scan the UPC code Scan the item's UPC barcode while the cursor is in the Item field of a Sales Order.
2) Confirm the information and save the itemOnce the item's UPC is scanned, the cursor will move to the Sell Price field. This will allow verifying the quantity, cost, sell price, etc., before the line it saved. Once all the information has been confirmed, select Page Down on the keyboard to place the item on the sales order.