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Page Revision: Thu, 10 Jan 2019 16:13

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Accounts Payable >> Print 1099s

Screen Name: PRINTAP1099

Function: Recalculates prior & current year 1099 amounts according to Accounts Payable data and prints 1099 data onto approved IRS 1099 forms.



Start/End Vendno - Use these filters to print a 1099 for one vendor or for a range of vendors.

Minimum Amount - Filter your 1099s and the List Report to only print for vendors with a 1099 Amount greater than or equal to the amount you input.

The 2012 and 2013 minimum amount is $600

1099 Type - Select the Type of 1099 Vendor you are printing forms for.

Please note that the forms for each type are different.

List Report - Check this box to view a report of 1099 Vendors that meet the minimum 1099 amount for the current/last year.

Hint: Leave all three checkboxes unselected - List Report, 1096 Report, and Final 1096 - to print the results on 1099 forms.


You can recalculate prior and current year 1099 amounts from this tab. Choose the corresponding year (according to a calendar year) and click the Recalc Amounts button to recalculate all 1099 amounts according to the data entered in Accounts Payable.

The Close 1099 Year button moves the current year's amounts into the prior year and resets the current year.

Print 1099 - Close/Recalc

Print 1099 - Close/Recalc

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