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Page Revision: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 15:30

General Information

Default Menu Location Reports >> Project Control >> Project Grid

Function The Project Grid (MSNGRID) is a research tool for displaying project records that match your selection filters.

FORMATTER ERROR (Malformed List)

Fields / Filters

Status Filter: The Status filter will be labeled 'All Status' buy default. Clicking the 'All Status' button will display a list of selectable project statuses. Select a status checkbox to include all projects that match that status. The 'A' button will default all statuses to checked. The 'N' button will uncheck all statuses.

Show Phases: When the Show Phases box is checked, the returned list will be a list of project phase records from the Project Phases tab. This filter also causes the date filters to filter against the Project Phase dates rather than the Project Master tab dates. Keep in mind that some data displayed in the results grid may appear to be duplicated when displaying phases.

Start Date: This date range filters against the Project Master start date (first date entry on the Project Master screen). When Show Phases is checked, this date range filters against the Project Phases start date.

End Date: This date range filters against the Project Master end date (second date entry on the Project Master screen). When Show Phases is checked, this date range filters against the Project Phases end date.

Filter Drop-Down: Select a variable in the drop down to further filter the results using one of the available filters.

Filter Text Entry: This field works with the drop-down selection above to filter the project display results. Enter text that matches the first letters of your desired results, or use the % wildcard. FOr example, to display all projects with Johnny Frank as the salesperson, you can enter 'John' or '%Frank'.

Rule Setup – Number Fields

NUM1 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of NUM1. NUM2 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of NUM2. No Number Fields In Use (Leave this line in place if there are no Num records – makes it clear that the Num area is blank intentionally)

Rule Setup – Logic Fields

LOGIC1 LABEL: Enter a brief description about the purpose and use of LOG1. LOGIC2 LABEL: Enter a brief description about the purpose and use of LOG2.

Additional Features

Enter any freeform notes, procedures, helpful information, or examples that add value. If there are no additional notes needed, remove this section.

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