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Default Menu Location Reports >> MBMA >> MBMA Monthly Report


  • NOTE - The MBMA Monthly Report may need to be added to your default menu/menu prompts. Contact your consultant if you need assistance with this step.


MBMA Monthly Report Overview

The MBMA Monthly Report produces either a detail or a summary report showing the MBMA order items processed in the specified reporting month. Sales Order line items show in the appropriate reporting sections based on their sales order date and the types of activities during the specified reporting month. The Summary report produces a single page report with the MBMA totals expressed in the format and layout similar to the online MBMA submission screen. The Detail report shows the full detail of all the MBMA reporting items that make up the Summary totals.

  • All reported values show the item subtotal, excluding any sales tax.

  • Domestic Shipments - This section reports items shipped and invoices voided in the current month.
  • Export Shipments - This section reports items shipped and invoices voided in the current month where the ShipTo country code is something other than 'USA'.

  • Net Orders - This section reports sales order items where the sales order date matches the reporting month. This section will also show sales orders voided in the current month when the sales order date is from a prior month (counted as cancellations). If the sales order is voided in the same month that it was added, it will not be reported.

  • Backlog - This section reports new, unshipped order items and all open, unshipped items from prior months.

  • Square Footage - This section is separated into items where the individual square footage is below 150,000 and where the individual square footage is 150,000 or greater. The sales order items reported in these section will match the items selected for the Net Orders section.

  • NOTE - The MBMA Monthly Report utilizes many layers of logic designed to keep the backlog and related sections reconcilable from month to month. Because of the special logic, the report is not designed to be used for historical MBMA reporting. It is STRONGLY recommended that the report is run at the end of business on the last day of the month, or before business on the first day of the month.

General setup and procedural requirements

1. The Project Control system must be used for MBMA reported items, and MBMA reported sales orders must be generated from the Project Control screen.

2. Dollar shipping MBMA reported items is not supported. The Point-of-Sale (POS) system should be used to record any down payments or deposits associated with MBMA items.

3. Weight reporting is captured on a Configurable Item attribute (SOC question) tied to the MBMA reporting item. See details below in the MBMA Item setup section.

4. Square Footage reporting is captured on a Configurable Item attribute (SOC question) tied to the MBMA reporting item. See details below in the MBMA Item setup section.

MBMA Reporting item setup

1. Add the MBMA Reporting Item attribute to the 'ITEMATTRIB' rule with the following values (or verify that the attribute exists).


2. Each item code that will be reported to MBMA (i.e. BUILDING and CHANGEORDER items) must have the MBMA Reporting Item attribute, and a Configurable Item attribute set up with weight and square footage questions. The weight question must be tied to report code 'W' and the square footage question must be tied to report code 'Q'.



MBMA Reporting special considerations

There are certain actions that can cause the reported backlog and related sections to become irreconcilable. The report is designed to accommodate the MBMA guidelines for reconciling the backlog from month to month. The MBMA guidelines state that the current month's backlog should reconcile to the previous month's backlog - shipments + new orders. There are some common actions listed below that will 'break' that reconciliation. This is not meant to be a complete list, just an idea of some common things to avoid:

  • Do not change MBMA item dollar amounts or weights on sales orders from previous months. Add a new sales order (Change Order) in the current month to handle changes in the order amount.
  • Do not delete MBMA items on sales orders from previous months. Add a new sales order (Change Order) in the current month with a negative value if appropriate.
  • Do not dollar ship any MBMA items. The dollar shipped items will not report in the correct sections.
  • Do not change MBMA sales order dates on sales orders from previous months, or do not change a current month sales order date to a previous month.
  • Do not add new MBMA sales orders with dates in a prior month.
  • Do not manually close MBMA sales orders. MBMA orders should either be shipped or voided. Manually closing the order may be okay if the order had been manually reopened.

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