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Page Revision: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 13:54

General Description

Default Menu Location Reports >> Account Receivable >> Invoice Register Report


Invoice Register Report Screen

Invoice Register Report Screen

Function This screen generates Invoice Register Report with the Order Number, Invoice Date, and the Invoice Amount for all the customers by a specific time frame.

Report Filters

Customer ID: Customer ID.

Start Date: Starting Invoice Date.

End Date: Ending Invoice Date.

Terr: Customer Territory (on SOLDTO screen).

Invoice Status: Invoice Status (viewable on the Invoice Header).

Order Type: Sales Order Type.

Invoices with multiple SO Types may not be displayed correctly if this filter is used.

Sort By: The report can be generated by -- Invoice #, Customner Number, Customer Name, SO#, SP.

Summary or Detail: Choose the type of report to be generated.

Show GLDist: Check the box for GL distribution list.

Standard Report Fields(Header)

Every customer's report is different. Here are some general Headings for a report.

  • lc_company

  • lc_report

  • lc_date

Standard Report Fields(Line Items)

Invoice/Order: The invoice number and the order number.

  • alltrim(invno)+"/"altrim(orderno)

Inv Date: The date invoice was generated.

  • ttod(invdate)

Cust#: The customer number for the invoice.

  • custno

Company: The company name for the invoice.

  • company

Net Amount: The net amount of the invoice.

  • subamt-disamt

Sales Tax: The sales tax for the invoice.

  • taxamt

Invoice Total: The total amount for the invoice.

  • totamt

Balance: The total balance of the invoice.

  • balance

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