Page History: Item Detail (OHF) Import
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Page Revision: Tue, 21 Jul 2015 08:36
General Information
Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Item Detail Import
Function: The Item Detail Import allows you to import and update all fields on the
OHF tab of the Item Master.
Item OHF Accounts Imports Screen
Required Spreadsheet Format
The required spreadsheet format may be accessed by opening the screen and clicking the
Export Template button.
After saving the file, delete the first row in the spreadsheet. The second row has each field that can be imported.
To avoid any formatting issues, please save the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook Format.
Spreadsheet Explanation
Each column of the spreadsheet is described below:
Item: Item code
Whse: Warehouse name
LeadTime: Purchase lead time (in days)
OrderInc: Order Increment used in QuickBuy
Min: Minimum On Hand Qty
Max: Maximum On Hand Qty
OrderQty: Order Qty
ScrapAtQty: Minimum Qty of a single lot that should be thrown out in the Quick Buy calculations.
Heldfor: Held For
Owner: Inventory Owner ID (organization ID)
Bin: Bin name
PWOBin: Production Bin name
CtrlAcct: Inventory Control Account
POCAcct: PO Clearing (Accrued AP) Account
ICCAcct: Inventory Clearing Account
WIPAcct: WIP Account
ItemCat: Item Transaction Category
PSelCode: Purchase Select Code
StkCode2: Stock Code
OrderFreq: Order Frequency
IncReOrder: Quick Buy flag; put a 'y' in this column if the item should show up in the Quick Buy screen.
ProdPlant: Production flag; enter a 'y' if the item can be produced in this warehouse.
Consig: Consignment flag; enter a 'y' if the Owner is a consignment inventory owner.
CycleCode: Cycle Count code.
DefSource: Default warehouse for item to be sold from.