Page History: HOW TO - Create a Freight or Packing Credit Invoice
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Page Revision: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:26
STEP 1: Locate the original sales order the credit is originating from.
You may also create a new sales order for the credit. Enter the freight and/or packing items with the correct negative price.
Don't forget that negative sales tax will be added to the invoice if the
Taxable flag is set for the line item.
STEP 2: Ship the sales order with the freight and/or packing line item by clicking the
Manual Ship button.
Freight type items must have the FREIGHT attribute in the item master. Packing type items must have the PACKING attribute in the item master.
STEP 3: Enter the
Ship Date. This will be the invoice date on the credit invoice.
STEP 4: Click