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Page History: General Ledger Setup Options

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Page Revision: Thu, 23 Jun 2016 16:50

Setup Options & Definitions

ADJAP - Adjutant Accounts Payable module is installed.

ADJAR - Adjutant Accounts Receivable module is installed.

ADJGL - Adjutant General Ledger module is installed.

AUTOAPPLYCC - Apply CC credits to matching invoices during superbatch processing. CC screen changed to save SO Keyno into CCLINK field. Function looks for CCLINKS matching the current invoice, and applies them if found.

BGAUTOJC - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Job Cost when an Invoicing batch is created.

BGAUTOSO - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Sales Orders when an Invoicing batch is created.

BGAUTOSVR - Automatically generates the matching WIP entries for Tasks (service orders) when an Invoicing batch is created.

BGREQPROJID - Requires a Project ID to be entered before any shipped sales orders that are linked to a project can be invoiced. Only one Project may be invoiced at a time.

CALCSHIPSHIP - Allows the user to enter freight and packing charges during the Sales Order shipping process.

COGSSPLIT1 - If enabled, then split FRT COGS into non frt item COGS accounts based on ratio of item wt to total wt. (assumes qty in lbs)

COGSSPLIT2 - If enabled, will reallocate frt cost back to other items COGS accounts by qty (lbs). Will also update new ppfrt fields in billtran and sotran with dollar amount reallocated. Disable COGSSPLIT1 if using COSGSPLIT2

COSTHOUR - Cost Hourly Labor on service orders.

COSTLABOR - Cost Labor on service orders (turns checkbox on in Batch Creator).

COSTMATERIAL - Cost Material on service orders (turns checkbox on in Batch Creator).

COSTSALARY - Cost Salary Labor on service orders.

CREATEUNPO - Turns on the Create Unbilled PO Receipts option in the Batch Creator. This option should only be used if you are using a separate PO system in a 3rd Party accounting package.

DOCLINK - Documents in document vault are stored as links (paths on workstation or network) instead of embedded into SQL database.


GENBATCHPOST - Asks user if they want to post new batches after generating batches.



GLMAS500 - MAS 500 GL is being used. This setup option will also create a Journal Entry import file that may be imported to MAS 500.

GLGENNEW - Runs one query per column in the financial report writer, then pulls row data out of the result set from this query.



GRPSHIPBYCPO - Groups Invoices by Bill To + Cust PO.

GRPSHIPBYPROJ - Groups Invoices by Project ID.

GRPSHIPBYSHIPTO - Groups Invoices by Bill To + Ship To.


GLSHOWBOL - Will populate BOLNO and SONO fields with BOL# and SO# from BOL Generated Freight POs.

HOLDINV - Option for the Skip Processing flag to prevent the invoice from being built in order to hold off invoicing until order has completely shipped.

ICNEWCOST - Change Scrap screen to use Cost Tiers if ICNEWCOST enabled.

INVDATEBATCH - Allows user to assign invoice date on batch screen instead of on shipment screen. If found, use new invdate field as source of invoice dates. If not found, disable field.


MILLASSESS - Process items with MILLASSESS attribute like FRT items when COGSPLIT is enabled. Cost is reallocated to other items based on quantity.



NEWMSNNUM - If set, then map project drop folders to Project Number instead of Project ID.

NEWSHIP - Newer shipping logic for shipping event screen, will be auto added for new customers "2015"

NEWTAX - Sales Tax by order.

NOCOGS - If NOCOGS is enabled, and task is not billable, then ignore posting window for labor lines.

NOGLINSTALL - General Ledger software is not installed; skips posting logic in batch generator.

NOINV - Inventory module not installed in 3rd party accounting system.

POIGNORETAX - Ignores sales tax amount on purchase order receipts in regards to GL posting.

POSPLITTAX - Split tax out on itemact record if POSPLITTAX is enabled.

SINGLEBAG - Single Inventory Package in System

STKADJUSTGL - Add GL account to Adjust screen. If filled out, this account is used in place of IC Clearing account.


WHSEACCT - Change Whse screen to allow entry of accts for owners. Create new class to get correct accts from OHF/WhseAcct/CID. Add logic to PO Rec to GL block of super batch. Add code to all other Inv/WIP prcesses in Superbatch.

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