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Page History: GL Budget Export

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Page Revision: Wed, 01 Aug 2012 08:03

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Accounting >> GL Budget Export


Function: Exports an existing general ledger budget to excel so that it may be modified and then re-imported using the GL Budget Import screen. You can also export a blank budget in order to create a new one in the same manner.

GL Budget Export - Click for full size

GL Budget Export - Click for full size


Starting GL Account: If only exporting a range of accounts, enter the starting account here.

Ending GL Account: If only exporting a range of accounts, enter the ending account here.

Mask to Export: If exporting a specific segment, enter that here.

Budget: Select the budget to export, or select 'BLANK' to start creating a new budget.

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