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Page History: Coil Finder

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Page Revision: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:42

Default Menu Location

Transaction >> Item Control >> Coil Finder

Coil Finder - Filters Screen

Coil Finder - Results Screen

General Description

The Coil Finder allows you to search current and past coil inventory using all data fields related to a coil.


The following is a list of fields used to locate inventories:

Coil #: Coil number

Item: Item Code

Description: Item Description

PO#: Purchase Order number

Mill Coil#: Mill coil number

Mill Name: The name of mill

Processor Name: The name of processor

Proc Coil#: The processor's coil number

Heat#: The coil's heat number

Orig Coil#: Original coil number (if coil was processed)

Show On Hand = 0 Displays coils with a current on hand quantity of zero

Show On Hand < 0 Displays coils with a current on hand quantity less than zero

On-Hand: On hand quantity only

WIP: Work In Progress only

Shipped: Shipped coils only

All: Include all of the above

Sort By: Option to arrange columns on the "Coil Finder - Results" tab

History: After selecting a "coil#" from the "Coil Finder - Results" tab, click on the "History" button. A window pops up to display detail information about the selected "coil#".

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