Page History: Inspection List
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Page Revision: Sat, 18 May 2013 07:13
General Information
The Inspection List shows all assets/inspections that have been downloaded from Adjutant and/or added manually from the tablet.
Caption |
Top of Screen
Inspection List Search |
The top of the screen contains options for filtering the grid. You can search by Asset Tag ID or Serial Number.
To show inspections that have already been completed, check the
Show Complete box and tap the Refresh button.
Find to perform a search.
Clear to clear your search criteria.
Inspection List Grid - Crane Mode
Inspection List Grid - Sling Mode
Inspection List Grid |
The grid contains several important pieces of information about each sling inspection.
Click the
Best Fit button to auto-arrange the column widths.
You can
search/filter any column by tapping in the corresponding
Contains filter and typing in your search. The search results will appear in real time as you type.
Instructional VideoYou can
group by any column by holding and dragging a column header into the section that says
Drag a column here to group by this column. Instructional Video.