Print Invoices

Modified on Wed, 11 Dec 2019 09:59 by Curtis Riddle — Categorized as: Accounts Receivable , Message Control

General Information

Default Menu Location: Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Print Invoices

Screen Name: PRINTINV

Function: Print/Email/Fax/EDI Customer Invoice(s).


Fields and Filters

Invoice Numbers: Enter a single invoice number or a range of numbers. A range can be entered by using a colon and several specific invoices can be entered by using commas. For example: 100,103,105:108 will print invoice number 100, 103, 105, 106, 107, and 108.

All Unprinted: Check this box to print ALL invoices that have not yet been printed/processed.

Checking this box will make the program ignore the invoice number range.

All: Check this box to print All invoices. This is useful if you wish to print all unpaid invoices or all invoices for a particular customer.

Checking this box will make the program ignore the invoice number range.

Customer Code: Enter a customer ID if you wish to print invoices for one customer.

Auto-Process Code: Filter by customers' Auto-Process (printemail/fax/EDI) setting.

Unpaid Only: Check this box to exclude invoices that have been paid in full.

Exclude Zero Dollar Lines: Check this box to exclude all $0 lines on the invoice.

Use Billing Notes: Check this box to display the Billing Notes on the invoice (for use with Time Billing invoices only).

Show Accounting Balance: Check this box to display the current invoice balance.

Print Monthly Billing Clients: Check this box to print invoices for customers who receive their billing periodically (requires a MONTHLYBILLING attribute on the Organization).

Sort By Company: Check this box to sort invoices by customer when printing.

Show Hidden Lines: Shows all lines on invoice (ignores the Hide Line flag).

Group by Invoice #: Check this box to group the invoices by number when printing more than one copy.

Print Only: Check this box to bypass the Message Control Screen and go directly to Printer selection.

Fire Printer: This button will prompt you one time for the printer to use, then print all of the invoices matching your criteria to that printer.

Auto Process: Check this box to utilize the auto-processing function in Adjutant. The auto-email/fax/print attributes on the Organization record determine how the invoices are processed. Invoices are printed to the default workstation printer if a customer has none of these attributes.

All to PDF: Check this box to select a folder and save the invoice, or range of invoices to a folder.

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