Update Salesperson & Account Manager

Modified on Fri, 01 Mar 2013 23:24 by tsanchez — Categorized as: Address Book

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Address Book >> Update Salesperson

Screen Name: CHANGESP

Function: Changes the Account Manager or Salesperson from one person to another on all corresponding Sold To, Ship To, Sales Team, and Organization records.

Update Salesperson

Update Salesperson


Zone: You can filter organizations by Zone if you need to. Some systems use the Zone field as a Sales Region or Territory.

Account Manager / Salesperson: Choose the type of record you are going to update.

Old Value: The existing salesperson/acct mgr that is being changed.

New Value: The salesperson/acct mgr that will replace the existing.

Export Only: Check this box to review which records will be updated before updating. Once this box is checked, click the Update button and the program will export a file that shows the records that will be updated.

Update: Click this button to update the corresponding records.