Customer Statements

Modified on Wed, 25 Jul 2018 11:48 by Ryan Horne — Categorized as: Accounts Receivable

General Information

Default Menu Locator Reports >> Accounts Receivable >> Customer Statements

Screen Name ARSTATE

Function The Customer Statements screen is used to generates AR statements for specific customers, or all customers.


Report Filter

Custno: Enter the customer number that you want the report to generate

Company: Enter the company name

Show Agings: Check one of these options to display the required depth of the report generated

Show Recent Payments: Check this to show payments made within the last 30 days.

Show All Payments: Check this to see all payments made.

Age From: Choose the option required for how the report will be generated, either aged from Due Date or Invoice Date

Only x Days after Invoice Date: Exclude customers that do not have an invoice older than this number of days.

Both invoices will print if a cusotmer has an invoice older and newer than this number of days.

Print Only: Check this box to bypass Message Control and go directly to the Windows print screen

Auto Process: Check this box to auto-process the Customer Statements

Standard Report Fields (Header)

Bill To: Enter the Customer's name and address

Standard Report Fields (Line Items)

Invoice Date: The date Invoice was generated

Invoice Number: The reference number for the generated invoice

Reference: The purpose of the charges for the generated invoice

Invoice Amount: The amount for each services rendered

Balance: The total amount for the services rendered for the invoice