Sales Territory Report

Modified on Wed, 26 Sep 2012 11:25 by Greg Andrews — Categorized as: Sales Force

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General Information

Menu Location: Reports>> Sales Force>> Territory Commission Report

Screen Name: TERRREPT

Function: This custom report allows users to view sales of item groups by Territory or Account Manager. While also selecting a date range.

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Report Month: Enter a range of months to run the report by; 01/12 - 06/12. For the a single month enter the date in both fields.

Cust#: Enter a Customer ID or Customer Name to run the report by a single customer.

Terr: Select the check boxes on the right to include the territory in the report

Acct Mgr: Select the check boxes on the right to include the account manager in the report

Use the A/N buttons to select ALL of the options in the gird or clear the check boxes with N - NONE.