Material Receipt Picking - New Picks

Modified on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 10:00 by kyimin — Categorized as: Warehouse Management System

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Transaction ==> Warehouse Management System ==> Material Receipt Picking

Material Receipt Picking - New Picks

General Description

Once freight has been received to the warehouse in the Freight In-Out Processing window, you can release it for shipping in the Material Receipt Release window from the New Picks tab.

After an MRID is entered in the blank, the grid to the right displays all the cartons included in that Material Receipt. You can select each carton individually for release or use the Select All and Select None buttons.


CustNo: The customer's organization code in Adjutant

MRID: The Material Receipt ID Number, printed on the paper MR

Shipping Event: The Shipping Event Number associated with this MR

RF Terminal: The RF Terminal or queue to which Adjutant will send the pick list for this Shipping Event

Release to Shipping: Release the shipping event to the chosen RF Terminal for picking and shipping

Release for Inspection: Release the shipping event for inspection of the freight (before grouping or shipping)

Submit for Grouping/Packing: Release the shipping event to the chosen RF Terminal for grouping and packing into new cartons (before shipping)