Sales Order Management

Modified on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 09:59 by hmontgomery — Categorized as: Order Entry

Default Menu Location

Reports >> Order Entry >> Sales Order Management

Click here for screenshot

General Description

Sales Order Management report allows users to generate a sale order report by salespersons or by account manager.


Date Range: Report date range

Sales person or Account Manager: Can choose one of the options for the report

Report Type: Type of report to generate

Customer number: Customer code and the company name

SO Type: Options to choose from the sales order types

Whse Name: Warehouse locations

Standard Report Fields (Page Header)

Sales Management Report

Group Header : Customer


Group Header : SONO


Group Header : Item/Shipdate

Sales Person

SO Date


Amount Ord

Amount Ship

Amount Billed



Inv Date

SO Type

Standard Report Fields(Line Items)

Item #


Ship Date

Qty Ord

Qty Billed

Qty Shp

Qty Open

Group Footer


Total Ordered

Total Shipped

Total Billed

Total Balance

Additional Report Fields for Customization