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Page History: Production Work Order - Master

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Page Revision: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 10:19

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General Information

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Production >> Production WO Master

Screen Name: WOMAST

Function: A production work order is an order in the system to produce one or more items.

It can be for a specific customer or a "Build for Stock" order to replenish stock inventory.

The Production Work Order screen allows you to create, edit, void, and complete a production work order.

PWO - Master Tab Click here for a screenshot

PWO - Master Tab Click here for a screenshot


Along with the other hot keys that are system wide the PWO can show an order's work history in a pop up thru [SHIFT] + [F11] , click here to see image Work Order History

Each PWO must have a Production Plant, Warehouse, Owner, Held For, and at least one Line Item or Yield.

There are eight tabs on the Production Work Order screen.

Cust ID: The customer's Organization ID. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Name: The customer's name. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Build For Stock: Check this box if you are creating a new PWO and the Yields will be used to replenish stock inventory. There is no customer in this case.

Plant: The Production Plant. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Whse: The Warehouse. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Owner: The name of the Inventory Owner. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Held For: The Inventory Holder. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Dept: The Department the PWO falls under. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO.

Due Date: The due date of the PWO. This field is automatically populated if the PWO is generated from a SO. The Load Date from the SO Header is also used as the Due Date.

Sales Order#: The SO# that generated the PWO.

Sch Date/Time: The scheduled date and time of the PWO.

Comp Date: The completion date of the PWO.

Links to the other seven tabs may be found here:

See Also

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