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Page History: Barcode Scanner - Prompt 79 - Load Shipping Event

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Page Revision: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 22:12

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General Information

Prompt 79, Load SE, provides three main functions

1. Pack items into cartons.

2. Create new cartons.

3. Mark a shipping event as "Warehouse Complete."

Your barcode scanner's menu will be customized per your company's preference, but you can always access the Load SE function by typing *79 and pressing Enter.

Load SE Directions

The first thing you will be asked to do after accessing the Load SE function is to scan the Shipping Event number. In the event the barcode will not scan, you can type in the shipping event number with 'SE' before it. For example, if the SE number is 12345, you would type SE12345 and press Enter.

Load SE - Scan Ship Event

Load SE - Scan Ship Event

After you have scanned the Shipping Event, you will be asked to scan an outer carton. The carton you scan will be the one you are packing things into. Another way to think of this is: "Scan the carton you want to start packing."

Load SE - Scan Outer Carton

Load SE - Scan Outer Carton

If you do not have a carton yet, and need to create one, press the plus sign "+" and then Enter. You will be asked to enter a Carton Name, select a carton type, and enter a Carton Location.

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