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Page History: Sales Order - Line Item Entry

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Page Revision: Wed, 09 Sep 2020 13:03

General Information

The Line Item Entry Tab is where one would input the items being sold.

Sales Order Line Item Entry Tab

Sales Order Line Item Entry Tab

Line Item Entry Input

L#: Line number

Item: Item with item code and description below

Customer Part #: Customer Part #, manual input




Sell Unit: The unit used that the item is being sold by

QtyOrd: The quantity of that line item being sold

Sell Unit Cost: Cost per unit being sold

List Price: What the system has the item being sold at

Dis % Off List: Discount percentage off list price

Sell Price: The price per unit. Can be manually inputted or calculated

Pricing Unit: Unit that the item is being priced by when sold

Currency: Currency of item

Unit Price: The total unit price of an item

Est. Date: The estimated date that it should be done by

Shp Whse: Where the item will be shipping from

ShipTo: Customer ID that the item will be shipping


Taxable: When checked, calculates tax for the item.

Tax Rate: The tax rate for that item based on where the item is being shipped to.

GM%: Gross margin percentage

Shipping Event: Shipping event ID for line. Can be created by clicking shipping event which will open up the shipping event screen.

Phase: What project phase is the line for

AssetTagID: QtyShp: Quantity of the line shipped

Ship Date: Shipment date

On hand: How many of that item on hand On order: How many of that item is already on order

Allocated: How many of that item has already been assigned

Projected: On order minus Allocated

Available: On hand minus Allocated

SSA: Show sub assemblies which opens the Item Sub Assemblies screen for that item

LotA: Show lot allocation for the item which opens the Current Allocations for that screen

Custom BOM: Allows you to customize the bill of material for that item for that line when checked off

Lock Price: Locks the price of the item for the sales order

Hide Price: Hides the price for that line on the sales order form. The price will still be totaled in the sales order total amount.

Hide Line: Hides the line on the sales order. The price will be still calculated

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