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Page History: Resource Screen

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Page Revision: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 10:21

General Info

A resource is defined as a person, place, or thing that is used to conduct business and/or generate revenue. Resources may be assigned to tasks and post time to tasks.

The Resource screen is used to set up and maintain a resource's characteristics.

Screen Info

Schedule Tab: Determines which tab the resource falls under in the Schedule Screen.

Schedule Tab Names may be added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Schedule Tab Names from the pull-down menu. Click here for a screen shot.

Resource Name: The name of the resource.

RID: The Resource's ID.

Supervisor: The supervisor for this resource. Check the supervisor box if this resource is a supervisor to someone else.

WO Form: If there is a default work order form for this resource, enter it here.

Def Equip: Default equipment; if the resource has equipment (an asset) that is always used when working. Assets are defined in the Asset Information Screen.

Acct EMPID: Used to get actual cost information for this resource. Same ID as in Payroll.

Default WHSE: The default warehouse for this resource.

Attributes: The attributes for this resource. Resource attributes fall into two separate categories: Skills and Zones.

Skill Attributes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Skill Codes from the pull-down menu. Click here for a screen shot.

Zone Attributes may be added/edited/deleted in the Rules area of Adjutant by selecting Zones from the pull-down menu. Click here for a screen shot.

Click the button to edit the attributes for the resource.

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