Page History: RULE-ATT_ENT
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Page Revision: Thu, 09 Dec 2021 08:26
General Information
Default Menu Location Maintain >> System >> Rule Maintenance
Function Enter one or two sentences about the purpose or intended use of the rule. Include any associated applications and helpful information about how the rule is used.
Rule Setup – Text Fields
TEXT1 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of TEXT1.
TEXT2 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of TEXT2.
TEXT3 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of TEXT3.
TEXT4 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of TEXT4.
Rule Setup – Number Fields
NUM1 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of NUM1.
NUM2 LABEL: Enter a brief statement about the purpose and use of NUM2.
No Number Fields In Use (Leave this line in place if there are no Num records – makes it clear that the Num area is blank intentionally)
Rule Setup – Logic Fields
LOGIC1 LABEL: Enter a brief description about the purpose and use of LOG1.
LOGIC2 LABEL: Enter a brief description about the purpose and use of LOG2.
Additional Details
Enter any freeform notes, procedures, helpful information, or examples that add value. If there are no additional notes needed, remove this section.