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Page History: Item Profile Attribute

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Page Revision: Fri, 22 May 2015 10:49

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General Information

Screen Name PROFILE

Function This screen will display and allow the editing of profile configurations for an item with the profile attribute.


Fields & Buttons

Item - This field is for the item name

Item Description - This field is for the item's description

Short Description - This field is for the shortened version of the items description

  • The below fields are governed by a rule
    • Profile - Profile of the item
    • Materials - Material the item is made from
    • Gauge - Gauge of the item
    • Width - Width of the item
    • Color - Color of the item
    • Machine - Machine the item can be made from

Type Description - Another field for the short description of the item

Girth - Thickness of the item

Exclude From TrimGenius - Checking this box will exclude the item from TrimGenius

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