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Page History: Inventory Qty Import

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Page Revision: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 14:47

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General Description

Default Menu Location: Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Inventory Qty Import


Function: Customers can make changes to their inventory quantity in Adjutant from the Inventory Qty Import screen.

Inventory Qty Import - Click for full size

Inventory Qty Import - Click for full size


Item File Name: File being imported

Default Owner: Owner of the inventory

Default Whse: Warehouse where inventory is stored

Default Heldfor: Inventory is being held for

Transaction Date: The date transaction is made

Add to OnHand: Inventory quantity is being added to "On Hand" quantity

Replace OnHand: Inventory quantity is being replaced with "On Hand" quantity

Mapping File

Mapping File (Import with Import/Export Mapping Tool)

Sample Import File

Sample Import File

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