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Page Revision: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 20:13

Default Menu Location

Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Item Control >> Item Master Import

Click here for a screenshot

General Description

The Item Import screen allows you to import Item Master records into Adjutant.


Item File Name: File being imported into Adjutant

Default Owner: Owner of the merchandise

Default Whse: Merchandise location.

Default Heldfor: Merchandise is being held for at the time.

These fields can be specified in the file as well. If they are specified in the file, then these fields will be ignored.

Create All Combinations - Creates an Item Detail (owner, warehouse, held for) record for all possible combinations.

Validate Units - Check this box to validate the Units of Measure in the import file.

Leave this box unchecked if you're updating other fields on existing items.

Field Mapping Import File

Item Import Mapping File

Sample Import File

Item Master Import Template

To avoid any formatting issues, please save the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook Format.

Import Template Help

Item - Item Code (20 alphanumeric character max, no spaces allowed)

Descrip - Item Description (99 alphanumeric character max)

UnitGrp - Item Unit of Measure Group (examples are LENGTH, WEIGHT, TIME, IND). Must match a value in the UNITS rule. D: PurUnit: Item purchase unit E: StkUnit: Item stocking unit F: SellUnit: Item sell unit G: AvgCost: Item’s current average cost per stocking unit H: Price: Item’s price per pricing unit I: PriceUnit: Item’s pricing unit J: StkFlag: Y if the item is stocked in the warehouse, N if it is not (made to order items are not stocked) K: SerialFlag: Y if the item is serialized, N if it is not (serialized items have a serial number for every quantity of 1) L: LotFlag: Y if the item is lot controlled, N if it is not (all coils are lot controlled) M: Vendno: The vendor code of the item’s default supplier N: Vpartno: The default supplier’s item code O: HeldFor: Only used in multi-owner warehouses (enter USA for this) P: Owner: Same as above Q: Whse: Enter the code of one of your warehouses (HOUSTON for example) R: Taxable: Y if the item is taxable, N if it is not S: UnitW: The item’s unit weight per stocking unit T: Cubes: Used in Warehouse Mgmt System shipping (leave blank) U: DecQty: The number of decimals that should be available when entering quantities of the item on a purchase or sales order V: MiscItem: Y if the item is miscellaneous, N if it is not W: Class: Free-text field where you can enter anything you want (leave blank) X: Resell: Y if you plan on selling this item, N if you do not Y: PackCode: Leave blank Z: ABCCode: Leave blank AA: Pgroup: The item’s pricing group (customer pricing may be broken into item pricing groups; e.g. customer XYZ gets 40% off PANELS, 50% off COLDFORM, and 30% off ACCESSORIES; applicable in component sales) AB: ComCode: The item’s commodity code (commodity codes are used in procurement and determine which suppliers can bid on which items; enter TBD if you need to) AC: BaseCost: The item’s base cost (if you are pricing your items using a cost-plus scheme) AD: ProdLine: Leave blank AE: ProdGrp: Item’s product group (all items fit into one of 5 categories: Labor, Material, Equipment, Expense, or Subcontract) AF: ItemCat: Item’s transaction category (transaction categories are used to drive revenue and cost to the correct GL account; enter DEF here until the chart of accounts is set up) AG: SqFt: The items square footage per stocking unit AH: WarLen: If the item has an associated warranty length, enter it here AI: Produce: Y if the item is produced in the plant, N if the item is not produced AJ: SearchCode: Leave blank AK: StdCost: Item’s standard cost per pricing unit

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