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Page Revision: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 10:18

Default Menu Location

Transaction >> Importers/Exporters >> Address Book >> Customer Import

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General Description

The Customer Import tool allows you to import customer information into Adjutant.

It is mainly used to import new customers into the database during an Adjutant implementation.


File Name: The file being imported into Adjutant. Click the Browse button to locate and select the file.

Map Fields: Click this button to map the column headers in the spreadsheet to the data fields in the Adjutant database.

Try To Match Existing Orgs: Check this box to turn on additional logic that looks through your existing customers in Adjutant and tries to match each record in the spreadsheet with one in Adjutant. If the import program finds a match, it will update that customer's information with the info in the spreadsheet.

Validate Custnos: Check this box if you have customer IDs (organization IDs) in your spreadsheet and you want to update your existing customer records based on ID. This is commonly used if you export your customer database to do some mass updates in Excel and then want to import that data back in to Adjutant.

Attributes: You can assign attributes to all of the customers in the file by checking any of the attributes in the list.

The list is limited to attributes in the Organization Attributes rule that have the Show in Import flag checked. Click here for an example.

Template Spreadsheet File

Customer Import Template

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