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Page Revision: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 14:59

Organization Screen


The Organization Screen lists all of your organizations’ key information and also allows you to edit existing, and add new organizations. The fields and new icons in this screen are described below.

An organization is defined in Adjutant as any customer, vendor, supplier, company, prospect, address, location, etc that your company has a relationship with.


Code: The ID # of the organization. Leave this blank when entering a new organization. The program will automatically assign a code.

Name: Name of the organization you are adding or editing. Click Name to perform a Google search on the organization's name.

Address: Street address of the organization. Click Address to perform a Google Maps search for the organization's address.

City: City of the organization.

State: State of the organization.

Zip Code: Zip Code of the organization.

Country: Country of the organization.

Zone: The area/zone of the organization. Zones are maintained in the Rule Maintenance Screen by selecting Zones from the pull-down menu.

Phone: Phone number of the contact person inside the organization.

Fax: Fax number of the contact person inside the organization.

Email: Email of the contact person inside the organization.

Contact: Main contact person’s name for the organization. Clicking on the Contact link will lead you to the People Screen for the selected organization.

Title: Title of the main contact person.

Web Page: The organization's web page. Click the Web Page link to open the web page with your default web browser.

Parents: Parent organizations of the selected organization. (Double-click the organization name to open another screen with their information).

Children: Child organizations of the selected organization. (Double-click the organization name to open another screen with their information).

Attributes: This list shows all of the attributes that have been assigned to the organization.

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