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Page History: Contacts in Adjutant 2.0

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Page Revision: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 13:34

General Information

Default Menu Location Maintain >> Address Book >> Contact

Screen Name CONTACT


Function Contact screen is used to view, edit, and add new users/contacts.


Full Name: Full name of the contact person

Job Title: Contact’s official job title

Company: Company where the contact person works (Companies may be added/edited/deleted in the Organization Screen)

Address: Addresses for the selected contact person

Phone numbers: There are four available fields for phone numbers of the selected contact person

Email: Email address of the selected contact person

TxtMsg Add: The text message address of the selected contact

Web Page: The web page URL of the contact’s organization

Attributes: Attributes that have been assigned to the contact are visible in lower right-hand box.

All Fields


  • All Fields tab is to review the information

  • Information on this tab cannot be edited

  • It shows how all of the fields in the Contact Screen are completed


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